Has there existed a bigger discrepancy between critic and user reviews for a game?

in which case the gap for TLOU2 will still be larger...

Yeah so organic, totally not angry incel review bomb.

You think review bombing makes this accurate?
May as well say that reviews that are bombed by chinks are accurate.

That would be a fake review too


Attached: metacritic.png (589x250, 47.77K)

It’s not. Honestly, a few adjustments—namely Ellie goes against Joel’s wishes and you play them both concurrently or something players WANTED would have fixes this.

indeed all those journaretards should have been honest and give it 45 tops

Whats funny is that no matter what it's still going to sell relatively well despite the leaks, reviews, and current circumstances.

Attached: the right cant meme.gif (201x177, 238.63K)

used copies will flood ebay user

you need to wait a week, don't give it a flat 0, write your own description, and ensure you haven't also rated certain games on other platforms 10/10
3/4 of these reviews will just be fucking deleted because the spergs make it so obvious