thank you for this amazing gif
Get drunk in a game
dude stop raping your niece
Someone needs to do it more like Mother 3's shroom scene and full dive the insanity, but obviously toned down from a trip like that, more subtleties like everything seems more ideal except if someone says something you disagree with they will sound much more offensive with it, and the game will do things like that to try and trick you into bad decisions.
>get drunk irl
>throwup every four times or so
>get drunk in hopes of having fun with a video game
>just want to go to bed
It has to be something you're already used to, try going back to a nostalgic game that still has online lobbies and go wreck some nerds.
>always remember what happens when I drink
There was one time I threw up a whole bunch, kept drinking, fell asleep by a campfire, and then my friend woke me up and helped me move to my tent. I woke up around 11 the next morning but was so hungover I couldn't move until 2. I still remembered all of that night.
Zig Forums please help me
It's 4 a.m. and I've been browsing this shitty website for like 2 hours
How do I release myself from this hell
>get drunk to celebrate passing a semester without getting a D
>jerk off to GB and shrinking
>develop stomach pains that last two days