this is Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
This is Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Unequivocally best girl
Red is my favorite color
big bazonkas
GTFO and don't come back until you have blond hair and sas.
there is enough aegis for everyone user
Nice to meet you, Pyra.
Her name is HOMURA. Retarded dubfags, go back to plebbit.
The best and the cutest!
Better, but the best still isn't the focal point user.
Try again.
There we go ..
The dub is fine. You lack spine
Her sister is better
You forgot your image user, here you go.
5/5 game, bless. Slap the next retard that talks about BotW for 2017 games.
sorry, wrong image
If the entire game had mechanics like the Golden Country - sure, goty. Otherwise - shit UI, alright gameplay 20 hours in, fantastic story. Not exactly goty material.
How does Nintendo manage to make so many best girls? How come their Department of Ethics is so based compared to others?
What are good difficulty settings for NG+ si I still have a bit of challenge, restarting from Lv1 but keeping the Blades, without going full Bringer of Chaos?
>department of ethics is so based compared to others
tell that to the team that localized tokyo mirage sessions again for the switch port
I remember an user claiming that the whole WiiU censorship was just a scheme for the NoA localization team to get something to work on and get paid for it. Whatever the case, the whole thing was weird and apparently ended when NoJ thightened its grip on NoA.
i thought it was simple gameplay but it actually ramps up once you can actually do all those special combo finisher things
it was fun
and XBC1 story was teenagers kill god all over again but XBC2 felt more personal and I actually prefer it
>The Torna group is actually the angsty teenagers jRPG group on a crusade to kill God
>Rex's group is the exact reverse, it's the one protecting God and his smile
For me, it's Nia!