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Video Games
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Video Games #5144
Video Games
Describe this character in 3 words
Persona 4 Golden is selling amazingly on Steam
Why was there never a Clone Wars game?
Thoughts on Vermintide?
I think about buying NOITA, it's from the guy that made the phenomenal Sweeper game...
Why was this game so hated?
You're doing fantaaaasticccccccccccc
Is it a good game?
Little Witch Nobeta
Dead by daylight
To anyone that is also getting this, is there anything you DON'T like...
What made it so good compared to its sequels?
Post your favorite male vidya characters
Is she a good singer?
The tree best jrpg of this gen
What's the point of playing as a girl when men are just better than women as a whole?
This is my normal
Doom>Zoom Eternal
This guy is literally me
If Silent Hill 3 came out today...
Leaking through the pipes
Should I be concerned if I found some sense in his words?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Filtered millions of low IQ kids
How the fuck you go from this
Would you free an android?
What happened?
I Sakura Wars worth getting into?
I want to get into the Metal Gear franchise
Persona 4 Golden
JRPG writing
Turn-based JRPG
They aimed at making the main story a tad shorter than TW3 one since feedback they got suggested many players felt that...
June 27, 2020: PPSSPP 1.10 is out!
Worth buying on sale now or wait for the final release version?
You can't make this shit up
Make a roster for the sequel. Hard mode, only 4 guest character
Who's your favorite servant in the Fate franchise?
What did he do?
Steam Summer Sale 2020
Using a wireless mouse for gaming
Bros.. i think I’m in love... wtf Drunkmann
New Vanillaware game
Learn about the in-depth mechanics and optimal strategies for a game
It's like BOTW, but good. And for people over the age of 16
Are the rumors true?
In the concept art, Abby was going to be smaller and cuter, but she was also going to be Neil Druckmann's gf...
Cheaper than an iphone, basically no maintenance
Zig Forums hates the CRPG genre now
Favorite game is Deus Ex
Zig Forumscels are just not ready for tlou2 level of story writing
Skyrim was 10 years ago
Vidya webms
Vidya Horse Names
Should I get this for switch or other platforms? hows it compare? and I read it's not the directors cut...
Games where I can play as a Christian Crusader and execute heretics on the spot? DEUS VULT
Halo Infinite is the last hope, not only for the Halo series, but for Xbox to have a chance this coming gen
How did it turn out so good?
So who's the best girl to romance in this? I can't choose
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Does anyone on here go on other threads on Zig Forums? Any Zig Forums, /his/, etc...
1,2 and NV manage to have more polish than Fallout 4 despite being made with a smaller team, budget, and deadline...
ITT: Enemies you've farmed, either for exp or money or whatever
What are some fun coop games to play with friends?
China gives TLOU2 a 41/100, their lowest score ever
Don't mind me, just being the best horror game of the decade
ITT: Movie games that are better to watch on youtube than play
Video games never got any better after this
What the fuck
Share your honest opinion about this furry bait
Was the nerf justified?
Why wasn't Crackdown a bigger franchise?
If You actually still defend Sony after this you have battered wife syndrome
Is this more realistic? did i fix abby's character design?
What are the best games you can get under $10 on Steam?
Villain changes his name midgame
How can one girl be so perfect Zig Forums
Hitman is the most fun when you just learn to live with your mistakes and improvise as much as possible
Do you enjoy romance in your video games?
ITT: come up with a Marvel vs Capcom 4 roster 2 characters at a time
What the fuck was this?
I think we've figured out why you hate the last of us
ITT: Revenge done right
Games where you can be evil?
Post only true 10/10 vidya. You will find only good vidya here
How is this videogame called ? Does anyone know any similar games too ?
Why did they make mer so much more manlike in ESO?
So in the end who is the better choice for Geralt? Bookfags fuck off, this is about the games only
Who killed him?
ITT Subtle video game clothing
How do they get this kind of graphics out of the ps4?
What killed Ace Attorney?
Ninjala Thread
Hyped by journos and players
Keep politics out of my vidya!
Got banned from Amazon's New World MMO alpha for having the name "CEO of Racism"
Why do alt-right incels love Japanese games so much?
ITT : Games with horrible communities
Post based gaming music!
Tellius Thread
How will Microsoft fuck up Perfect Dark and Fable?
Japanese games suck
Total Warhammer thread since none are up right now and I feel like they've been up constantly for the past few weeks
Will you give League of Legends another chance?
How's that future indie hit coming along Zig Forums?
Create more inclusive hairstyles for Animal Crossing
Steam summer sale
I just started this. What should I expect
Persona Thread
No I won't be playing jewish subversion how could you tell
Tangle and Whisper to join the Sonic cast in Sonic Dash...
Name a bigger loss of soul
Comfy Switch Thread
Cyberpunk 2077
What are the best indie horror games you have played?
Post GOTY 2020
We all know Asmongold is next
Why are some people here so desperate for this to fail?
Yakuza Zero
The last good game they released was SSBU
I fucking hate Phil Collins with every fiber of my being
Single-handedly saves your let's play channel
Please stop people "weeaboo" just because they play games with anime artstyle
Empire is always bad
How do Gerudo couples work in BotW? are the daughters separated from their fathers once they grow older?
Dude bullying and abuse is wrong
Is This Game Finally Worth it?
So I just started my first arcane Bloodborne character and it’s easily the best and funniest class in the game
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that you have to be paid to like this game?
The greatest Walk Animation of all time
For me, it's the banana
This is the most overhyped piece of trash I've ever played
Nintendo is deleting the dislikes from the Pokemon Unite video
The game has a female protagonist
So who’d you choose?
Think how much better Zig Forums would be if all of these countries were range banned
Let's play ballisticNG
Even Japs can make Western RPG (Dark Souls) But why can't west make anime games?
MGSV nuclear disarmament scene
STR Builds >>> INT Builds >>> FA Builds >>> DEX Builds
This is Pixie from Shin Megami Tensei Series
There are 16 Horse riding units in fire emblem 6
Running Games on WINE / Proton
If you are over the age of 25, and you still play video games, you are mentally ill
Character has 25 bullets in a clip
Why are the Chinese suddenly making video games?
The worlds best FPS, now on the most powerful console of all time
Melee now has better netplay than smash ultimate. And it's fucking free. Explain this to me...
*BTFOs Zig Forums*
Is is too late to get into the Dark Souls series?
Thread about VIDEO GAME streamers
We are finally getting a fourth Crash game
This is basically the worst game I've ever played during this generation
Oak: Was a pokemon trainer you know
Deus Ex
Woah...this game...is shit
So how are you going to die user?
Good western written villians doesn't exis-
Tfw it's hot as fuck outside and is only 9 am
The Witness - sucks ass
There are just too many fucking items to remember everything. Especially after not playing for a while
Bros... I think I can only enjoy Japan-made games
Who did it better?
Smash Ultimate online is so dogshit that even the game's biggest defenders/most popular players are on the verge of...
I don't know why anyone would be against MK11's designs. They look cool, classy and stylish as fuck...
W-what is taking them so long?
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Without looking it up or reading other anons posts, summarize the plot Death Stranding
Who's corpo here ?
Any games where your own weapon is your worst enemy?
Paper Mario
Cyberpunk Life Path
How do you categorize your games, just put everything in alphabetical order or try to do it by genres? Pic is mine
Is Demon's Souls actually the best in the souls series? I never played it, but I hear anons calling it a masterpiece...
Hey this game is actually pretty fucking good
Give me one reason why he isn’t the most deserving character right now, I’ll wait
Reaction images thread. I'm looking for Xenoblade ones, please post if you have any
Fast travel, foot or horse?
Can literally beat the game in 15 minutes
In hindsight was it underrated?
FUCK Zig Forums
Be safe friend, don't you dare go hollow
Mom: Coffee is not that hot
Steam Profile Thread, anyone?
Who else is /f2p/chad?
Please name a game where i can play as an oni
Steam Summer Sale Thread
Little Witch Nobeta
What's the appeal? Is the VN worth reading if i liked the anime a lot?
ITT: We draw the last game we've played and anons guess
Hi Zig Forums, I’m Connor, the android sent by CyberLife. I’m here to use 100% of your CPU while playing my game...
I bought sekiro during the sale but it's way too hard I can't refund it cause I played for 4 hours
Has everything taken from him, his body, his men, even his identity
The moment he picked up the scalpel he stopped being a victim, Joel killed him in self defense, fuck this faggot
OG Trilogy: The player will make crash land on a platform. Crash shall stay on the platform
What is your HONEST opinion on Marth?
What are the best puzzle games, Zig Forums? They can be either obscure or popular, it doesn't matter
Feraligatr is the Charizard of gen 2, if you chose it you are a massive ass faggotron
Straight woman
The streets and roads are absolutely empty
Does beating challenging video games (such as Dark Souls) prove you're more intelligent than your peers?
How do you deal with toxic players?
Party members betray you
Mexicans are developing a cute Star Fox game with doggies
Good deals? 70% or higher
Which is worse?
ITT games that dont actually exist
Persona 4 Golden
Not allowed to post vanilla, unmodded Gal Gun anymore
Can't believe CDprojekt let us down again, sisters
What the fuck is with file sizes nowadays?
What fighting games does Zig Forums play?
Japan reclaims title of World's most powerful supercomputer, beating US and China
This game is far better than you remember
Dmc thread
Still just as bad as it has been since release
Post you're toons
This looks atrocious
Your thoughts about the sequel? It's coming out in 3-5 years probably, any new features that you would like to add...
How IS this game, Zig Forums?
It wasn't that bad
Here's your new Metal Slug
Death Stranding was brilliant
Why is the West pandering to furries?
The ultimate game
Animal Crossing
Almost 110 degrees outside
Comfy Switch thread
Is Ragnarok Online considered a boomer game?
AoE 2 DE MP Age of Empires 2
Except the story, name one flaw. I'll wait
Hate on CCP all you want, chink games are the future
What am I in for?
This shit ain’t an RPG
Underappreciated gems
Why don't you like DDLC, Zig Forums?
Which one do you prefer?
Name one flaw, i'll wait
Kill a cyclops
Why the fuck do faggots act like this is some sort of classic...
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning
Darkest Dungeon
Which game is better Zig Forums?
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Wonderful gameplay
Reminder that Link could have had this hot piece of fish waifu...
Edelgard makes a very good point
Pay to win is okay when Nintendo does it
...why? Just why
This game is actually great, it almost perfects the binding of isaac/roguelite style
Go to the bathroom and fap
Angry Joe still gets up to a million views per video
So when is the sequel coming out
What now Zig Forums?
Oh no no no no I'm gonna--
""""""""""""""""""JRPG""""""""""""""""" graphic
How the fuck do I play this on a 1440p monitor?
What did Zig Forums think of RE7?
It's been 8 years since SFM was released to the public
Cyberpunk 2077 melee combat
Steam Summer Sale Thread
Let's see how underage b& Zig Forums is
Persona Thread
Remember, if you don't vote shills/shitposters win
How autistic you gotta be to play this?
AI Dungeon thread
Should I get this if enjoy the previous DOOM...
GameFreak salaries
Vidya webms
Who's the best doggo in vidya?
Why do video game betas always look cooler than final versions?
*ahem* ting ting ting ting
Wait, why is something bad happening to Ubisoft?
RPG Codex
Never played it. Is it as kino as everyone says it is or is it hyped by nostalgia?
Dead or Alive Thread
Why is this game so controversial...
Name one Metroidvania with a fully connected world that isn't one of the following:
This game is actually harder than Tarkov and it gives the same adrenaline holy fuck, why its so underrated?
21./15. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake # <RPG> (Square Enix) {2020.04.10} (¥8.980) – 2.383 / 929.239 <80-100%> (-25%)
Mobile Gaming vs. Nintendo Switch
I'm learning to play this, any recommendations on guides?
Why are they bothering with appearance?
All these seething fags crying that muh Joel got BTFO and muh Abby escaped
Has there ever been a bigger “fuck you” to fans than this?
If you got to own your very own custom android, what would you let it do to make your life better...
You know, instead of being angry and annoyed all the time, why don't you just play games that you enjoy?
How the fuck is he making another game? Who keeps giving this hack fraud money? How is he not homeless yet?
Who is the worst character ever?
Now That the Dust Has Settled
Why is it so bad?
This might just be the perfect game
Ps5 is hueg
Is DrDisrespect dare I say based?
Log-in reward
Mornin' Zig Forums. Any of y'all boys play some good games?
Any game that includes maids?
PC dickwaving thread
How can one unironically play this game?
Spec Ops: The Line
N crates
Why does everyone hate Touhou 16?
How do we fix the horror genre?
You don't hate gyro aiming do you Zig Forums...
She died a virgin
Worse melee combat than fucking Skyrim
I just wanted to fly big ships and blow people up
Post em Zig Forums
Abby is ugl-
When does it get bad?
Desert Eagle
Someone leak it
DOC theories
Reminder: You don't actually own the Steam games you "buy"
This is Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Should I buy a PS4 or a Switch?
What went wrong?
Do you feel this is a proper science officer uniform?
Why do people keep comparing this game to GTA V when it looks nothing like it?
This image strikes me more than just a fucking meme
CP 2077 custom cars CANCELLED
What exactly is the issue people have with his death?
Be completely honest Zig Forums (this is an anonymous image board after all) will you buy it when it finally releases?
TT: Enemies that unnerve you
You still suporting chinkendo?
Modders Do What NintenDON'T
Gameplay loop
Which one is more interesting?
Dammit what's a good anime game with fun gunplay?
I pirate games and i saved 10,000 dollars from this
Is this the only game Zig Forums and gaming journalists can both unanimously agree is shit...
3 years ago i was a scumbag
ITT: historic events you want to see in more video games
Is this game really fun or is it a meme?
How much plot is too much?
The Containment: What did Dr Disrespect do?
Banned for mentioning David Icke
Hopes/dreams for the Demon's Souls Remake?
Super Crown
There is no better class than this
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Games that ONLY YOU play
What happened?
Western devs must cater to my needs as a heterosexual white male and include more cute girls
Holy fuck this is pathetic
There's only one thing that's gonna set you apart and let you succeed in life; it's the magic ticket they call talent...
Dumping old Zig Forums comics
Steam Summer Sale 2020
If you think that the Fireflies were incompetent and unable to produce a cure, you're wrong...
Sandy rope swinging is botched and much less intuitive than before
What's the worst sequel you ever played?
What is your favorite (INGAME) vidya foods/drinks?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
This game is........Kinooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Lol, imagine if Vash forgave Knives at the end
Games to play with your gf?
Started playing 3 days ago
The Last of Us Part II sells more than 4 million copies
Tifa or aerith bros?
What's your life path?
Why did the writers choose to use this as the last scene...
Annoying useless bitch
This is the most taboo video-game to talk about on Zig Forums right now
Do you ever drink while gaming?
I'm really annoyed he's not in DBFZ yet...
Chinks gave TLOU2 a 41/100, the lowest score for any game on the database
3 years since nintendo dangled this jpg in front of metroidfags to quell their shrieking
Hey, Zig Forums. Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
What the fuck happened with this dude?
Non-horror game has a horror segment
The Banished Confirmed for Halo Infinite
Lockhart has 7.5GB RAM 4TeraFLOPS
Have you taken your daily medication today?
Steam sale? What's that? Do you guys get 100% off? No?
Are the earlier Persona games even worth playing?
Dark Souls
Games with detailed feet textures?
How did a Polish literal who with one IP...
Bitsummit Gaiden Day 1 Stream
Is it alive or just an object
What are your thoughts on actual celebrities being in video games?
Minorities in Video Games
He basically killed billions
Destroy All Humans! Remake DISASTER
Why is this allowed? They removed all the soul, it used to look so fucking good
What's going on?
Soulless (xbox) vs Soul (ps2)
You're don't have basic and generic vidya tastes....do you Zig Forums?
Thank you to whichever one of you recommended this
Leave Sony to me
*ding ding ding*
ITT Improvements/Systems that you can't live without
Party Van
Ubisoft's original mascot
Poppy or Tristana?
Hey Zig Forums, I wanna buy one of these two games on Steam but I'm having a *hard* time deciding
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine