What am I in for?
What am I in for?
Interesting game with lots of ideas and mechanics. Disturbed by obvious cuts and flaws due to dev time, but still absolutely worth it.
A boring and drawn out ARPG that you will discard after 5 hours of play time due to its intensely broken difficulty spikes and overly complex but fun combat
a shit game praised by retards
An action rpg that feels like someone's homemade tabletop campaign. Lots of local-level conflict that gradually expands to something more territorial and prophetical. Bandits will fuck you six ways from Sunday early on, but by the end of the game you'll be splitting the earth and summoning ice storms, with a pawn that basically feels like your semi-retarded child.
Play it on Hardmode, the main game is fairly straightforward and easy, the bossfights/big monster fights are what make the game cool as fuck and the BBI area is perfect for that. But some fights are kind of ruined by making all the late game bosses bloated with stats forcing you to using a bunch of buff items and killing the boss in a couple of minutes, as opposed to half of an hour without buffs.
>shitty slow start
>goblin ilk like fire
>fun adventure rollercoaster
>will you please rent my pawn
>sexy dragon voice
>that's not the waifu I chose
>this island is awesome
>Oh, how I have seen the Dragon's Dogma
Completely ignore the story and quests that shit is worthless and just roam around killing shit till you are strong enough to go to bitter black isle where you will find the strongest gear in the game.
>Play it on Hardmode
Look man, we already get threads full of retards complaining the trash tier bandits at the top of the hill are too hard and unfair, don't recommend anyone start the game on hard.
I never completed BBI, but playing hard mode on ng is the way to go. Just watch out, you'll be getting one shot my rats you cant even see in one of the first dungeons.
>I never completed BBI,
bruh, you missed out the strongest gear in the game, like the stuff you find and purify on bbi even low tier is better than anything you will find in that testicle shrinking cycle that is the everfall.
Normal mode is hella boring once the game opens up a little and you have to start over to switch to hard mode. The bandits aren't that fucking strong anyway
they hunt in pack, arisen
its a fucking great videogame, play it
Gameplay is good, story is retarded and a thinly veiled excuse to just go kill shit.
You've also probably finished the game multiple times. Get out of your own ass for one second.
They are master works all you can't go wrong.
>I never completed BBI
Then don't try telling people how to play the game scrub
suck my dick for one second
Not that user, but I played on normal and I can't really remember points in the game where I felt too strong. Probably because I leveled a bunch of vocations, so it took a bit to get the strongest abilities, but I actually quite liked it, since it opened options for lots of passive skills and didn't felt boring or overpowered.
A game that needed a sequel as much as Dead Rising needs a good reboot.
repetitive gameplay
At roughly what level can I start handling BBI?
normal mode lvl50 and hard mode lvl75 to 100 depending on the gear you already have, with a good pawn you shouldn't have problems.
Depends on preference, equipment and preparation, but the location is pretty easy to access, so you can try it whenever you feel like.
yeh but considering bbi have the strongest gear in the game and you can dragon forge your stuff right after you get it by killing the bishop and daimon over and over again getting a lot of cursed items while doing it, tis on your best interest to get the as soon as you can.
>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks
Is shit.
I only did the first bit, while I was finishing the normal game, but I imagine doing multiple runs is a fast way of getting good gear fast and providing an alternative for players who don't like the progression of the standard game. I imagine it has sort of its own difficulty curve if you focus on it more, since even after doing some post game stuff, the later half of bbi felt still pretty challenging. I didn't know how to break the game either then, which I'm glad about.
Also I meant to answer the user who asked before, but didn't mind correcting it, since the thread is slow.
personally I found the story quite interesting and fun but BBI grind boring.
you fucked it up it goes:
You were fooled by Zig Forums the game is shit and I will explain why:
>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks
I don't know how people defend this game.
its made by crapcom
enough reason to defend i
Whoa shitface, I still spent a lot of time enjoying the game and doing alot of the content. I just got burnt out. Either way, my experience was enjoyable and I will spew my opinions on this Taiwanese basket weaving forum if I choose.
If I didnt play ng hard mode I don't think I would have completed the game at all.
Main quest of the game is basically just run to locations killing shit along the way and picking up better armor and weapons. Once that’s done and you hit the post game, go to BBI try your best to get at least to the final boss door, warp out, then the game becomes Monster Hunter-lite. Figure out what armor and weapons you need to become a beast and start killing monsters for the crafting ingredients. Ur-Dragon is extremely necessary for crafting as well so killing him once or twice is usually necessary.
A game that people would have fantasised about playing the early Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy or Wizardry games