>Dude bullying and abuse is wrong
>Except for that Mishima guy, he can go fuck himself lmao
>Now, if you excuse me, i gotta go back to fucking my serial killer boyfriend
What the fuck was his problem?
Dude bullying and abuse is wrong
mishima is a good boy
joker and futaba are cunts
Mishima is cute, the worst part of persona 5 is that you have to be a cunt to him 99% of the time.
Guess the game needed a punching bag for the Chad experience.
>i gotta go back to fucking my serial killer boyfriend
Did I miss something?
People that picked the homo option are surprised their character acts like a faggot
they always add a "at least im not that bad" character, but mishima ended up being very human, and making me hate the others for being dicks to him
Joker is already in a committed relationship and has a child.
At least Ryuji likes him.
He's the only one that sort of defends him.
Every single point that Persona 5's story tries to patronizingly preach to the player is hypocritically displayed somewhere else in the game.
Just give Goro a fucking game.
I just want to be a cute functionally insane detective.
He should have been the one to betray you
No you don’t
Had a friend that resembled Mishima personality wise. never listened to ideas or advice, it was tiresome to reason with him and was kind of annoying sometimes. Art truly imitates life.
Don't worry, Mishima will get his spin-off game soon
Okay, that clearly isn't even in Chie's mouth.
Did you not play Royal?
You don't play trumpets by putting that piece entirely into your mouth you mong
Even the beta friend groups have their own betas, dealing with mishimas in real life is fucking exhausting. Ridiculing them just comes maturally at some point
I don't think you deepthroat a trombone. I think she's doing it right
You blow into a trumpet with your lips pressed together like a raspberry
I hope those of you who are pro mashima also stood up for kanji when yosuke made those bigoted homophobic remarks
It's banter bro
im all the main chapters they're actually fighting against someone bad, but the story is still about brainwashing people you don't like, you need to be really far up your ass to think you're doing a good thing
they got inspired by death note's plot, but death note never tries to sell you kira as being a good person
of course
well fuck me
Of course i did.
Well, it's a Japanese game
Japanese always do this shit, look at sunohara in the Clannad VN. Poor dude get treated like the lowest dog in existence by everyone around him, his best "friend" and get NOTHING in the end. Poor guy
I hope those of you who are pro mashima also stood up for kanji when yosuke made those bigoted homophobic remarks
why did you post this again? is this a bot?
Fuck Akechi, i wanted a homo option for Mishima
It's not that bad in P4 because Kanji could bitch slap Yosuke if he wanted to and he'd die on the spot, and Yosuke is obviously just just so far in the closet he's in Narnia. There's even optional dialogues in the dating cafe part where Kanji says that Yosuke told him it's ok if he sucks dick because they'll always be bros and love is love or some shit.
No, I romhacked in gay romance for Yosuke and fucked him.
Changing hearts is wrong, user
>i gotta go back to fucking my serial killer boyfriend
Excuse me, I think you mean "husband."
Of course I did. I hate that fucking butt plugger Yosuke. Kanji is the real guy.
I get that gay shananigans are funny and all but Yosuke was a faggot for constantly going after Kanji for being gay
>"You're not going to kiss me and fuck me in the ass, right Kanji? that would be weird, HAHA!"
Yes, Yosuke, that would really fucking weird, so why do you keep mentioning it every 5 minutes?
What is it about Mishima you homos like so much?
People take "go fuck yourself" way too seriously
You're the kind of person who agrees with "If you kill them you'll be just like them"
He's weak so they can take advantage of him.
He is hot and cute at the same time.
Like all boys in Persona series.
Pic unrelated I'm guessing
Me on the right beside Goro
>Except for that Mishima guy, he can go fuck himself lmao
He's cute and does his best.
Come over here bitch I'll fuck your ass and make you love me
Reminder even Mishima got chocolate while Ryuji got jack shit.
Kanji isn't gay he's just a fag.
if you completely ignore the law and kill one person because you think they're bad, you're just as bad as them
which one got pregnant?
*murders your entire family*
*gets away with it*
Would you kill me
>Cat form Morgana is cute