How do you deal with toxic players?

How do you deal with toxic players?

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I stopped playing multiplayer games. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it got to the point where 90% of the people I met/played with were assholes.

be toxic back, dipshit

by not being a massive faggot in the first place like you op

Dont play multiplayers at all.


I'm a man, there is not toxic players, only faggots that like to complain

use antidotes

Unironically this. Pretending to be a girl online gives you more benefits and is a good way to avoid assholes. Only yhing you have to deal with is orbiters and mouthbreathers
Pretending to be an underaged girl is even funier

mute button, leave game, ignore them. Sometimes you can make them feel awkward and childish if you say or do the right thing.
if you're a massive faggot nigger with a victim complex you can complain to the devs and ask them to implement a broken insta-ban system.

I kill myself.
Works 100%. Try it out.

People who play multiplayer games do it as a time filler and to fill a void of no friends in their lives

By not being a transvestite.

Mute buttons exist you bitch.

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Define exactly what you mean by "toxic"

i am the toxic player

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>how to deal with yourself

I would stop playing for a while to calm down
then go hug my little sister

perhaps enjoy a meal with her

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It's not you. 90% of "today's" multiplayer base are assholes. Times have changed and not for the better.

Depends on the game, sometimes I mute so I can focus, sometimes I toxic them back.

This works every time
If they don't shut up immediately they act super nice for the rest of the game
The fucking faggots lmao

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By dropping anyone that uses the words you just did from all friends lists, blocking, muting, and never associating with you again.

Mute them and or block them

report all the trannies
they are the most toxic community

>ggwp sorry for our throw

As someone that religiously played CS 1.6 and CS:Source back when they were popular, you new generation of gamers are fragile little pussies that fall to pieces from the slightest amount of banter. Unironically kills yourselves and stop ruining multiplayer games with your faggotry.

>toxic players
No such thing unless we're talking about hackers.
You mean people you don't want to talk to?
mute, mute mute, mute mute mute, mute

ask them if they were raised by a single mom or if they were raised without a strong father figure
drives them crazy every time lol

i just keep saying NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER until they leave

Why was the vidya comics thread pruned/deleted but this one is still up?

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The younger generation places enormous importance on their online persona. Probably in some ways to a greater degree than real life. They're fucked in the head. It's why they take everything said in these online games so seriously.