This game is far better than you remember

This game is far better than you remember

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>walk just before the escalators
>hear a metallic object drop on concrete
>hear russian voices

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I don't even remember which one this is, so I guess you're technically correct.

On the contrary, I remember it being great but I started it up again a few months ago and wondered how I ever thought it was fun.

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Are there more servers than 4 BRAZZERS BR 1000 ticket 24/7 Caspian Border HARDCORE lobbies

>Enjoying Popular thing bad

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I think it was the last time I had seriously enjoyed a battlefield game. I want helicopters to come back so bad.

I want Gulf of Oman back.

It was always good.

BC2 and BF3 were fucking god tier for rush games, only idiots played anything else. BF4 was good for large conquest.

You still can play the game and its even on steam.
Why do people pretend that once a game isn't as popular was it once was its dead?

Because that's how the masses behave therefore you have to follow along or get left behind. I can't even find a good game on Black Ops1 PC anymore.

It was a good game.

Bad Company 2 was console shit, narrow corridor shit with 32 players. You couldn't even prone or fly planes, and the helicopters were crippled to make it usable with gamepads. Zig Forums is always creaming over that trash game for some reason.

I still like BC2 for some reason. It was garbage, but there was just something about it...

I always remembered BF3 as a good game because all its sequels fucking sucked

Battlefield hasnt been good since 2142. Anyone that disagrees is either a console fag or a zoomer.

The Beta made it seem better than it was, just like what happened recently with Modern Warfare. Get sold a bill of goods for them to turn the medium into a steaming hot pile of garbage
(seriously, what the fuck is 4+ compared to BC2 and 3?)

Lmao it's nothing to do with it being popular and everything to do with the fact that there's been like 15 battlefield games and they're all essentially the same including artwork

I bought BC2 at the advice of this board and it was the absolute definition of a generic console trash FPS.
It did have that war tapes sound setting though which was fucking amazing

But that's wrong, you fucking retard

Honestly, Battlefield as a whole I think peaked with BF3. I don't know if it will ever get as good again.

Reminder there are people who started on Frostbite era games that consider BF3 as the best one and unironically think the early games suck

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only having vanilla maps because your hd can't handle all the expansions

I just remember getting kicked from Noshar Canals TDM for killing too many people

Even if you didnt play metro, the map kinda ruined the game. Can't believe spastics humor the idea that it's a good map.

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I don't think the early ones suck, BF3 was just the culmination of all the good, and less of the bad in the others.

I don't pay enough attention to the battlefield series to know which part of my post you take issue with, all I know is that you'd have to be on the autistic spectrum to think people who aren't interested in a game series will be able to tell them apart when they look this similar. This game was set like 100 fucking years before the OP one and the artwork is almost indistinguishable.
Fucking neck yourself you zoomer retard.

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>I don't pay enough attention to the battlefield series
And it shows, you fucking half-wit monkey.

this is exactly how I feel about it

That close quarters expansion blew my fucking mind.

Yeah, not dedicating loads of time to generic console FPS games is definitely the sign of a low intellect

Yeah, what this user said.

No, it's still shit. 2 weapon meta. kys

>all I know is that you'd have to be on the autistic spectrum to think people who aren't interested in a game series will be able to tell them apart when they look this similar
Orrrrrrrrrr, you could just fucking ask like a normal person.

I suggest you read the thread and see how we got to this point. I don't expect a reply.

It wasn't a generic console FPS. It was clearly better than all the others of it's time and they began to copy it.

You probably have autism if you cant tell the difference, ever normalfags can but i assume you can tell the difference between random anine gacha games lol

>imply they're generic series
>only consist of 2 series that is competing with each other

How does it work on Steam with Battlelog and all that bullshit?

If only the netcode wasn't complete garbage...

>if you don't play my console fps you must like anime

>The amount of reverb on the guns

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they hate him because he said the truth

it's literally one of the archetypal generic console fpses lmao, it is one of the games which literally defined the entire concept of grey brown console shootan.
i guess if you were in middle school when bf3 released it must've looked revolutionary though

I used to play the fucking shit out of BF3 and 4. Love those games man. Have roughly 800 to 1000 hours in both. Haven't played a BF since 4.

He's firing the weapons towards the base of a dam user

>claims all battlefields are the same
>"well I haven't played any of them very much so..."
So you're a glue-huffing inbred faggot retard with a hairlip. Got it. Opinion eternally discarded

if I buy bf4 on steam do i have to get orgin or anything? Is it run on steam or is it cross play?
Also do people still play it?

Why so bitter user? You seem to be right about everything. I'll stop enjoying the games that I do and start playing what you play. Got any suggestions?

just leave the thread autismo, why even enter a thread about a gane you don't know? Got nothing better to do on a Saturday?

i put in hundreds of hours on 2, then played 4 and bc2 and they were the literal definition of casual, console kiddy fps

i'm waiting for a game to download

It still seems like a lot of reverb though.

People still play it on XB1 and PS4 so I would assume it'll still be active on PC

i'm not saying you should stop enjoying it, i'm just saying what you enjoy is generic console fps (which it is)

BC2 was literally perfect. Small playersize was perfect for the maps and gamemodes (only retards played conquest in BC2 btw). No aim assist on consoles, and the helicopter controls did suck, but for you to say it's because of controllers shows just how retarded you really are.

oh my god the cover art is similar these games are basically the same nooooooooooooo

Honestly you're not missing much. Bf1 is somewhat good but it doens't compare to bf4 or bf3.
Last time i played bf4 was last year,there were quite many people playing it, i think even more than bf1.


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Fair enough. I'm not going to say that a game like is a "classic" or anything but it's certainly not terrible.

Still need battlelog
It can be buggy

No u

Cope harder

It isn't. It is battle field bad company 3, not bf3.

best gun

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>casual, console kiddy fps
post k/d

Honestly I didn't play 1 and 5 because I'm sick to death of the older settings though I'll say WW1 is a novel concept. Just wasn't feeling it though.

It was. It never lived up to BF2.

It was better than BF2.