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You need to go back
Only tryhards hate Baldi
What genre of horror is this where it's not like BOO SPOOKY or grotesque, but unnerves you with simple designs.
What's the appeal of Baldi's Basics? It just looks like FNaF-tier memeshit to me.
indie game
Imagine hating a masterclass horror game like Baldi's. It was so scary, I damn near pissed myself.
I like the shitty mid 90's aesthetic and the concept of something that can instakill you following you around a map constantly. I'm sure there's better games that do that though but I haven't experienced them.
It's a difficult and weird game that was made as a joke for some game jam and then become popular out of nowhere when some youtuber played it.
Like the end of the second game, baldi literally just dabs and ear rapes you.
idiot meme for redditors. You have to go back.
I'm pretty sure I can beat the shit out of the fag.
Sirenhead for the soi generation
Its just a shitty youtuber horror game like slender. I think its got some cool ideas though, the constant snapping is a great way to build tension and unease.
"Recognizable genre with horror underneath" has been catnip to normies since the days of creepypasta, and everybody remembers playing shitty educational games with low effort gameplay and bad graphics on PC when they were a kid. Combine that with a slightly shitposty sense of humor to it at the time when memes and shitposting is bigger than ever, it's an easier question to ask what ISN'T the appeal of it.
Baldi did the horror genre more justice than sirenshitter
If I would in that baldi costume, I would take their father in the back and slaughter him.
There isn't one, it's a fucking pisstake of shitty horror games thrown together in 24 hours for some convention
Fucking zoomer shit.
Zoomers hate Baldi's Basics though. They prefer more old-school games.
oh my fucking god
i've never felt more out of touch with the youth than when I saw toys of Baldi in a walmart toy aisle.
haha look bad ironically = good
So, Zig Forums, have you made a game to surpass Baldi's Basics yet?
Well, at first the appeal was that it made fun of horror games like slender. But for some reason it got popular and now it lost its meaning of what it originally was. This game was never meant to be popular.
Why do people want to fuck Playtime?
It makes all those old 90's kids computer games creepy
Good fucking god user I forgot how fucking bad it can get with kids youtube
God, what the fuck. Is this seriously what kids watch these days?
ok moonmoon