What are your hopes and dreams for Persona 6?
Persona Thread
My dream is for you to stop posting disgusting shit like this.
Cuck fetish
Final game in the series
More brown girls
This, but make sure it's "anime asian brown" like Nessa (i.e. no nigra potato noses etc.)
>More difficult encounters in general play.
I love the 1 more/baton pass system but it's mostly wasted on easy encounters, I feel the same way about FFX in that regard.
>Remove or change dialog points impacting the speed of social link growth.
In 3/4/5 I have no incentive not to use a dialog guide since the alternative is just reloading the game 8 times to find the best dialog choices. I know 5 had a dialog revealer option with Chihaya later on but it just seems unneccesary in general.
>A busty MILF romantic confidant.
I shouldn't have to explain this.
I want it to be a continuation of P5.
Sure you do SMTfag. Remind me again when SMTV's release date is?
delicious black girls as party members
I wish party members stopped joining until so late in the game.
I get why they do it, to keep things fresh with new additions, but it always sucks when your favorite characters are usable for like two dungeons. Rushing their S-link/Confidant also sucks
A good plot featuring adult main characters.
Less smelly feet, thanks
Don't really have any. They went full generic anime bullshit with 5, although the signs were already there in 4. They also forgot how to write.
Abb's smelly feet!
More redheads
A legit harem option.
Does the person that drew this thinks fishnets stocking are like fingerless gloves and they magically stop at toes?
Footfags are truly the lowest
Sae asks you for a foot rub after a gruelling day at the prosecutor's office and then starts jacking you off using just her toes
Either a complete overhaul or a game that beats Persona 5 in excess stupidity and amount of cutscenes. Anything inbetween is for pussies.
I just want it to come close to being as good as 3 was.
Having a new director gives me hope, because holy shit did the other guy go off the rails trying to desperately recreate the magic. It feels like they were just chasing the shadow of 3, by shoehorning in bad endings that didn't actually work with the story, and by constantly forcing the final boss to be some sort of god.
They can't make something as good as 3 by trying to copy it, they need to do something original and not be afraid of breaking up the extremely predictable formula of the games that came after 3.
Japan normally does that anyway. Which I have no issue with
Nah each game should be it's own thing.
But the idea for the phantom themes can be further explored before they move on because it pretty much has lots of stuff to draw from for story since the scope isnt limited as 3 and 4
I really like it and desu not sure what they can do with the next game.
I'm hoping they cut down the time it takes for the player to actually get to play the game. Because that time is retardedly enormous and has only been going up since P3.
In P3, it took 4 hours from starting the game to reaching the point where the player is allowed to plan his day, ie. play the game properly. This is not an estimate, I clocked it in all games. In P4 this went up to 5 hours. In P5 this went up to 8 hours. 8 hours before the game opens up in such a way that the player can plan his days as he pleases. That is absolutely fucking retarded. It should be like thirty minutes, tops.
>by constantly forcing the final boss to be some sort of god
That's literally every game in the extended SMT franchise. That's expected. The final boss HAS to be god, or you're letting down the audience.
is futaba considered redhead?
4 and 5 were the best games though.
Then they should work the god into the plot better, instead of it being "okay story's wrapped up, you defeated the big bad oh wait lol here's a god".