Crysis Remastered

They listened

Attached: Eb2WGOUXkAAoXGv.jpg (1525x2048, 516.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>We're still working on a number of things in game, as well as the storefront.
>as well as the storefront
What does this mean?

inb4 a RX 3080 Ti runs it at 50fps in max settings 4k

Delaying a few Weeks not gonna makes your game looks like Pic related.

Attached: 1593604366606.jpg (1920x3232, 1.77M)


They can't fix if they keep it on Switch


I wonder if the leak was some intentional self sabotage. Because that shit was not the remaster people are expecting. Fine for the Switch I guess.

What was bad about it? Honestly wasn't paying attention.
More importantly, can you still use classic suit modes or did they change it to the console garbage from 2-3?

Better be the best looking game in that case