Crysis Remastered

It means pretty pictures and backgrounds and shit for the game's store pages.

funny thing is they have an excuse to just dump high poly models in and make the game run like shit on the beefiest computer and everyone will say "but can it run crysis lol!"

>consoles aren't holding back gam-

>he has good frames?

Attached: 1586106718527.png (541x429, 238.38K)

Damn. I googled crysis bullshots and picked the best looking one. Regardless, the case still applies to the legit ones. Running a GTX 1080ti with max settings still doesn't look like some of the original screenshots. They definitely dialed back a lot of the lighting.

here's a real one

Attached: crysis.jpg (800x536, 118.84K)

Man I'm not gonna be able to endure this fucking shit meme for another decade, worst part is that poorfags think it runs like shit because it rapes your pc, but in reality it runs like shit because it just doesn't use all of your computer's resources.

maybe they lost a lot of money and are trying to regain some easily with the remaster