They listened
Crysis Remastered
Other urls found in this thread:
>We're still working on a number of things in game, as well as the storefront.
>as well as the storefront
What does this mean?
inb4 a RX 3080 Ti runs it at 50fps in max settings 4k
Delaying a few Weeks not gonna makes your game looks like Pic related.
They can't fix if they keep it on Switch
I wonder if the leak was some intentional self sabotage. Because that shit was not the remaster people are expecting. Fine for the Switch I guess.
What was bad about it? Honestly wasn't paying attention.
More importantly, can you still use classic suit modes or did they change it to the console garbage from 2-3?
Better be the best looking game in that case
what was the leak
Just cancel it. Waste of fucking time.
The Xbox Store leaked the trailer so people were able to grab it. It looked terrible. But seriously, there isn't much they can do here in a few weeks. They should just go silent on it and release it for Switch and wait for next generation consoles to get an actual remaster out.
no warhead no buy crytek
holy shit so it was true
i thought it was the console release played on xbox one
fuck that shit it looks exactly like crysis 1 2007
Appears to have been based on the 360/PS3 Cryengine 2 port, with lower quality terrain and less foliage
Aren't Crytek part of the Star Citizen scam ? Why are they being so cheap with the remaster
It's worst because of all the compromises they did to the console release of the game and when you port that version, it looks like shit along with the lower level of detail on a lot of stuff like terrain, models, and foilage, which you can't bring back with new textures and raytracing.
no, Roberts scammed them, too. big lawsuit. not sure how it went.
so all they did is make a bluepoint type port
What was wrong with it? it seemed fine to me
They didn't listen to the retards who thought a tropical island in the middle of the day was too bright did they?
based good guy crytek
Yes, essentially.
>can finally run crysis maxed
>gets remastered
>"but can it run crysis?" heard for another 10 years
>pic related is original Crysis bullshots.
>thinking it's going to look anything like the pictures in OP on release or ever.
I think they mutually agreed to drop the case
SC bought the rights to the engine and that was basically the end of their partnership. SC even dumped that version and started using Amazon's version of Cryengine as it gave them access to Amazon's servers, which is what led to the lawsuit from Crytek to try and get more scam money from them.
Problem is that their case was weak as fuck and they ended up withdrawing their lawsuit once they realised they were going to lose, so they can try suing SC again once the Squadron 42 comes out.
>pic related is original Crysis bullshots
no, that's a meme by Crysis fans / shitposters.
>downgrade crysis so it runs on switch
>port that version to PC and call it remastered
what the fuck were they expecting people to react
It means pretty pictures and backgrounds and shit for the game's store pages.
funny thing is they have an excuse to just dump high poly models in and make the game run like shit on the beefiest computer and everyone will say "but can it run crysis lol!"
>consoles aren't holding back gam-
>he has good frames?
Damn. I googled crysis bullshots and picked the best looking one. Regardless, the case still applies to the legit ones. Running a GTX 1080ti with max settings still doesn't look like some of the original screenshots. They definitely dialed back a lot of the lighting.
here's a real one
Man I'm not gonna be able to endure this fucking shit meme for another decade, worst part is that poorfags think it runs like shit because it rapes your pc, but in reality it runs like shit because it just doesn't use all of your computer's resources.
maybe they lost a lot of money and are trying to regain some easily with the remaster