Send someone a message on steam

>send someone a message on steam
>they go offline

Attached: qwefqwe.gif (498x484, 770.18K)

>send someone a message on steam
>they don't go offline

Attached: 1482041607268.png (344x321, 57.24K)

Based boomer
Cringe coomer

What did you send? a pic of your genitals?


I'm sorry. I'm just nervous, please don't take it personally

>don't send anyone a message on steam
>no one sends me a message on steam
i have ascended

Attached: 1575215149667.jpg (904x1227, 198.17K)

and this is how my steam was and that's why i just unfriended everyone fuck Fake friends who just ignore your existence after the first few days of adding them or worse ignore you just because you don't play the most popular game at the time

Attached: (1280x720, 35.7K)

>tfw only friends with 3 bot accounts

Attached: 1587203944213.jpg (329x365, 17.31K)

>Friends on steam

Attached: 1569522309210.jpg (720x719, 179.87K)