>send someone a message on steam
>they go offline
Send someone a message on steam
>send someone a message on steam
>they don't go offline
Based boomer
Cringe coomer
What did you send? a pic of your genitals?
I'm sorry. I'm just nervous, please don't take it personally
>don't send anyone a message on steam
>no one sends me a message on steam
i have ascended
and this is how my steam was and that's why i just unfriended everyone fuck Fake friends who just ignore your existence after the first few days of adding them or worse ignore you just because you don't play the most popular game at the time
>tfw only friends with 3 bot accounts
>Friends on steam
>friend messages me on steam when I'm not in the mood to talk
>Playing stardew valley
>Friend sends you a message
>Steam notification sound scares you
>people caring about steam "friends"
lmao, you fucking social media retards.
>request to watch friend on ps4
>no response
>goes offline 1 hour later
oh you like to watch?
>its a sissy thread
maybe talk to them then
Damn what a bunch of chads in this thread...
Is this going to turn into one of those femboy threads?
ill be ur friend user :)
>show someone online a slight amount of attention
>they want to spend every waking moment with you
you met a dog online?
holy shit dude that's EPIC.
>Friend someone from Zig Forums for some retard reason
>decide to take a break from social media, explicitly say I'm doing so
>people from said social media start repeatedly DMing me on Steam trying to talk to me by the end of the day
I have had to unfriend people over this
i'm just starved social interaction, user...
>Send a friend request to someone
>They never except it
>newly added friend starts to erp
I haven't played a video game with a non stranger since i was 15
>receive a friend request
>deny it
>receive a second and third friend request from the same guy within half an hour
>sent it over three years ago
>Send a message through steam
>doesn't respond within .3 milliseconds.
>someone sends me a message on steam
>I turn my status to offline
Do you erp back at least?
if I'm horny, yes
>sends message to friend
>he responds and goes offline
>3 years later hes still offline
I've had 3 who clearly wanted to, but never did, and then they removed me from their friends list out of the blue instead. It's fucking sad that my hobby is seemingly full of these types.
>tfw people have friends on steam ;_;
>one of my csgo alt accounts messages me
>befriend guy who randomly added me on steam
>he shares his hentai stash with me
>qnob2.com约炮玩妹速来________004C44DD has added you to his or her Friends List
>play games
>get invited to play another game
>inmediatly go offline
>0 friends
>Get bored of best friend on steam
>unadd him and tell him to fuck off
>last online over a year ago
>miss him to this day
Sorry Josh, my AvPD is really out of control these... years.
do you want friends
i would never be friends with degenerate vtuber watchers
You're a meanie
>go online on Steam
>that one friend immediately messages you with pointless banter like the weather or time of day
it's good you distanced yourself from someone who wasn't a broken human sooner rather than later
you deserve pain