What class should I choose in Dragons Dogma?

Attached: Dragons D.jpg (1000x562, 261.61K)

Play a Fighter

Attached: Fighter.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

midget mancer with tall amazon warrior wife

Ranger, Assassin, and magik archer are my favs. If you like range and flashy abilities go with one of them.

All of them. Start with fighter for the weight upgrade

I find bow classes to be very boring.

genuinely any but warrior, makes the game a horrible slog

Why? What makes fighter fun?

Whats the appeal of ranger and assassin?

Fighter feels like the default class, it's quite fun and you get very satisfying moves.

From there you can move onto Assassin or Mystick Knight if you enjoy swords.

Magick Archer is fucking nice though.

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