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What class should I choose in Dragons Dogma?
Mason Nguyen
Jordan Reyes
Play a Fighter
Levi Carter
midget mancer with tall amazon warrior wife
Matthew Barnes
Ranger, Assassin, and magik archer are my favs. If you like range and flashy abilities go with one of them.
Samuel Turner
All of them. Start with fighter for the weight upgrade
Brody Clark
I find bow classes to be very boring.
David Ward
genuinely any but warrior, makes the game a horrible slog
Ian Butler
Why? What makes fighter fun?
Hudson Wright
Whats the appeal of ranger and assassin?
Isaiah Cooper
Fighter feels like the default class, it's quite fun and you get very satisfying moves.
From there you can move onto Assassin or Mystick Knight if you enjoy swords.
Magick Archer is fucking nice though.
Mason Gutierrez
It's fun
Adrian Davis
Best picks are Magick knight, and Magick Archer
Most fun are Strider and Sorc
only chads play Warrior from start to finish
Carson Baker
Ranger is the class you play when you just want to stand in one spot down a liquid vim and spam ten fold flurry until whatever you're fighting is dead. Maybe popping a few periapts if you need them to die even faster. It's effective but kinda boring.
Assassin is the class for people who want to simlarly down a liquid vim but this time climb on the enemy and Dire Gouge their weak point for massive damage until they're dead. Maybe popping a few periapts if you need them to die even faster. It's effective but they have some other skills so it's never quite as boring.
Luis Long
I've been thinking of getting this game is it good?
Eli Harris
Jayden Rogers
it's on the official Zig Forums loli list, so yes
Justin Long
any class that focuses on melee
those classes are the most fun when a fight engages because you're constantly moving unlike mages who stand still to invoke a spell
mages aren't bad, they're really good but i do not want to stand still for around 10 seconds to summon a sick tornado or meteor
leave the role of mages to pawns
Cooper Gray
Yes and no. Maybe.
Dylan Morris
Strider, for a nice Stamina pool and balanced stats.
Then go where you want.
Andrew Stewart
David Rogers
That list is bullshit. Half the entries on it are shit, the other half isn't cute or funny enough. I'll never be not mad at it for getting my hopes up.
Ethan Allen
Good companions.
Aiden Morris
If you want to look cool, warrior
If you want to be cool, assassin
If you want to do damage, ranger
If you want to easy modo bbi, magic archer
If you eant to have fun, SORCERER
Noah Harris
>want to play MK
>can't stand the shield constantly clipping through everything
Adrian Wright
>Play fighter
>Game cucks you with a physical immune enemy
>Play mage
>Game cucks you with a magic immune enemy
Gavin Martinez
Someone post the griffin webm where it gets killed in one hit.
Josiah Nelson
Very. A few a heads up , if you wan't to go with magic wait until you unlock the advanced vocations in Grand Soren. Also there are chairs where you can change your pawns behavior, so make use of that and avoid guardian inclination like the plague.
Jacob Kelly
i gotchu
Henry Diaz
always be the polar opposite of your pawn in terms of gender, height, and build
it's kino
Grayson Flores
Post the list
Jacob Hill
based on your post number, I'd say Sorcerer. Not bad
Jaxson Anderson
uninstall wizard
Camden Gutierrez
unless you're the kind of a faggot that plays a male arisen of course
Nolan Peterson
William Morales
I hate how all the strong greatshields look and just pick the flower one.
Aaron Ross
Carter Turner
Warrior so you can jump and light attack your way to victory.
Justin Rivera
I wish there was a game where magic looked as cool.
Jose Miller
Easton Price
Joseph Torres
good joke
Owen Jones
>Cast maelstorm
>Move camera upward
>Poor bastard is flying 10 meters above
Every single time