ITT shitty cyberpunk tropes, i'll start
>any use of the word "composite"
ITT shitty cyberpunk tropes, i'll start
>any use of the word "composite"
corporations being bad
lack of dinosaurs
people not sugging my weenie. this is a trope i dont like in real life too.
>le epic BLM punks are teh good guyz
Is borderlands 2/3 cyberpunk?
i do not acknowledge the borderlands series and will not put any thought towards them beyond this post
what's wrong with composite armor
Composite is a term for a group of materials, how the fuck do you want to name a material that is a combination of multiple different ones?
>Genre about saying no to societal standards
>every single women has the same side-cut
>ever single dude has the same shaved sides
Not composite armor per se just the fact that they throw this word around so much
That's not what they use the word for
OP stated that ANY use is bad, give me an example where it is used incorrectly
>Used as a pretty backdrop to crazy action, rather than as a serious genre with aims at exploring the near-future consequences of the trends, actions, and decisions of today
This is the thing that bugs me most. What makes cyberpunk interesting on a literary level is /not/ how cool augmentations and nanobots and shit are (although those are cool). What's interesting is seeing the potential consequences of the systems we have built up today.
For example, thinking the replicants of Blade Runner are really exploring artificial beings is a surface level reading. Replicants are the logical conclusion of treating a class of human beings as tools and objects to be exploited in the name of growth, exploitation, capital. The story of a replicant is actually the story of, for example, miners in the cobalt mines of the Congo, or undocumented factory workers, etc. Their lives are short and brutal, in the name of growth and innovation. So while it's interesting to think about artificial life, the story is still just about exploited people.
This isn't to say the stories only work if they dont require technology (stories about A.i. sentience are fine), but rather to say that the technology and neon and rain and stuff should be used to build on a genuinely interesting story, world, and set of problems -- rather than just eye candy for looking "badass".
the most based post that has ever been made on this whole board
Anti-corporate rebels being protrayed as 100% morally right apart from the one mole who's actually working for the corps.
>character/s are against corporations but they manufacture, distribute and fix everything their character gets, from wares to weapons, and even boast about them.
That's the irony of it, which I believe has been addressed countless of times in the genre. Tribalism is deeply embedded in human psyche.
>genre made by lefties for lefties hates corporations
and your point? it's a SJW echo chamber genre which is a trope that needs to be stomped out
>Jeff Bezos good! Me be billionaire someday
H-Holy shit, the made in China NPCs are out in full force
>cyberpunk setting means wacky hair a fuckton of tattoos and shitty "im edgy and only in this for myself/money" personalities
god damnit why does every cyberpunk game do this?
>Money is credits
how many cyberpunk games do you know, guy?
> it's a SJW echo chamber genre which is a trope that needs to be stomped out
and yet at the same time user demands that SJWs fuck off his vidya reeeee
the fucking irony
i don't care about the genre, but asking it to picture corporations in a good light is like asking world of darkness to like republicans or some shit
How can you possibly think corporations are good?
God i hate this one
think about it.
>a genre built literally on the idea of late stage capitalism being bad has the trope of corporations being bad
Maybe cyberpunk isn't for you.
>seething rightoids shit up the thread in record time.
>ternary/quaternary computers
then what does that make steampunk? i dont see any of what i said in that setting but you make a good point
"Punk" is now just a loose term for style.
Corporations are never your friend. They'll cut your throat at a moments notice if it kept them moving. If you actually had a job, you'd experience it yourself
but that's true
This looks as counter cultural for the 19th century as a punk person does in cyberpunk.
Composite is even more broad then that. It just means something made of distinct parts, which makes it applicable to many things
>the love interest isn't cute and funny
Hard pass from me tbqh
> *slurp slurp* "thank you, my beautiful overlords, have my wallet"
So for all the cyberpunk connoisseurs here, anyone played games like Neuromancer?
>corporations are straight forward evil, and don't even attempt to maintain a beneficial front
>No funding or proxy shit going on, just "hurr durr da man in the tower is ebil"
Even worse
>misunderstood punks that are just "rebelling against the system"
>libshits come into a trope thread to whine and cry about people pointing out tired cyberpunk tropes
not at all surprised.
The entire point of a genre isnt a trope dumbass. Shit like calling curency "credits" is
Its retarded when companies would be in charge.
Especially when competing with chinese markets.
Computer is just a fancy abacus, you fucking mong
Powerlessness of government when megacorporations are usually directly involved in strengthening it for their own benefit
>space opera takes place in space