>the love interest isn't cute and funny
Hard pass from me tbqh
ITT shitty cyberpunk tropes, i'll start
> *slurp slurp* "thank you, my beautiful overlords, have my wallet"
So for all the cyberpunk connoisseurs here, anyone played games like Neuromancer?
>corporations are straight forward evil, and don't even attempt to maintain a beneficial front
>No funding or proxy shit going on, just "hurr durr da man in the tower is ebil"
Even worse
>misunderstood punks that are just "rebelling against the system"
>libshits come into a trope thread to whine and cry about people pointing out tired cyberpunk tropes
not at all surprised.
The entire point of a genre isnt a trope dumbass. Shit like calling curency "credits" is
Its retarded when companies would be in charge.
Especially when competing with chinese markets.
Computer is just a fancy abacus, you fucking mong
Powerlessness of government when megacorporations are usually directly involved in strengthening it for their own benefit
>space opera takes place in space