Why do people try to convince themselves that Jill isn't best girl? She's perfect

it hurts

Bella and Sage exist.

because DPC needs a 100% shitty girl you can hatefuck and/or purify

Sage is shit. Definitely makes me regret I went massive DIK as first playthrough.

DIK also gets you absolute best girl Riona so it's worth it, and CHIK doesn't really pay off until episode 5 anyway

nah that's anything in honey select. these western gobbos are getting a lot closer to being attractive.

No, there are actually really good model ports for Honey Select, especially of the DoA girls. 3D wegshit is the absolute bottom of the barrel, it torments the mind to wonder how the fuck anyone can jerk it to such garbage, let alone get hard.

Stop shilling this game

God this game turned me into a degenerate, never played a porn game before and just spent 3 days locked in my room with this and milfy city.

What game is this?