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Video Games
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Video Games #5155
Video Games
Trash Box art
Tim Sweeney and Epic, hellbent on saying the same retarded bullshit since the PS3
What exactly do you do in this game? In the tutorial...
PCSX2 now has 64bit SUPPORT!
Why must gamers be this way?
Lisa stuff leaked
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Nintendo Direct July 14
3x3 game waifus
Little Witch Nobeta
How the fuck is marshmallow girl in pic related the most popular character in the Touhou series?
Can you please read a book and get a vocabulary so you can use words like "authentic"...
CD Projekt Red has cut the award winning movie star seen in previous Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay trailers "due to personal...
Is this game ever going to be finished?
How many of you actually have gamer girlfriends?
Why is this game so fucking dead?
In your opinion, what's the most Tarkovskian game out there?
Mortal Shell
Mario & Luigi vs Paper Mario
Dark Souls 1 Thread
Tfw you will never go on a grand adventure in a vast fantasy game world full of good feels & wanderlust
I have honestly never been so emotionally invested in a video game before. Unbelievable masterpiece of a game
You do have an RTX card, right Zig Forums?
It’s the best persona game
Deep rock galactic
Earth Defense Force 6
Nobody buys this shit and they have to give it away
Have you donated money so that this millionaire Byron "Reckful" Bernstein can get a proper burial...
How do I enjoy this game as a zoomer? I want to experience it for myself instead of relying on wikis and UESP...
What are some video games with good textures?
What the fuck is her fucking problem?
A reminder
Zig Forums finally has some taste
Why is Sephiroth the most popular villain ever? What’s his appeal?
Magic the Gathering: Arena
Tales thread
This game sucked as much as the second one
I'm drunk. I'll buy any game
Is he right, Zig Forums?
Does everything Breath of the Wild did but better
*Kills zelda
That kid that long jumped into class
How you holding up the upcoming 2 days dokkan bros?
This retarded kid was so lucky imagine getting to bang an older women when you're 14 lol
ITT: Best of
What are some good indie games on sale in steam?
Racing game
I want to begin playing the metal gear series, but I don't know where to begin...
Define SOUL in 3 words or less
Joel died for this
Skeleton enemies
Be Thanquol
What do you guys think of this game?
Is it dark outside?
Fucking amazing. I hope all PlayStation exclusives come to PC
Which vidya girl would you full nelson Zig Forums?
Do you have schizophrenia?
Best Zig Forums Tuber?
Persona 4 is a goddamn slog
She's the love of my life
One year later and still kino
Your gaming habits you've noticed
I have better taste than you
We got too cocky, Forzabros
Yo, Scout here and I’d like to propose a freakin toast
Coworkers start talking about video games
Party member spends 90% of the game as a useless piece of shit and then becomes the strongest party member at the very...
Trials of Mana
Why haven't you modded your switch yet, Zig Forums?
The eternal debate
Find a flaw
Zig Forums steam group got deleted
Do you see a future where video games are free from politics?
Steam Summer Sale: Communist Gaben edition
I fucking love the xenoblade series
Post your favorite vidya track RIGHT NOW
ITT: Post hidden gems worth picking up, share carts, etc
Fire Emblem Villains
Smash DLC Wishlist Thread
Thoughts on Cammy White?
CDPR has done it again
Light pain radiating in the hands after an intense session
How to enjoy this game as much as Zig Forums says I should?
So, what do we think of it Zig Forums?
Japanese Far Cry
Thoughts on Overwatch 2 new design ?
Zig Forums post your specs
This is a video game being sold on the Nintendo Switch US eShop
7 years later and no game has even bothered to recreate the dynamic cutting physic that pic related has
Are fighting games the most autistic games to learn and master?
ITT: Zig Forums makes a hero shooter
Steam Top Played List
GoFundMe for a millionaire
I think the politicization of video games is especially evil because it try's to propagandize the act of play itself
Is she right?
Ah! Hello Gordon
Does anyone actually go on an evil playthrough during their first run in a game that has a morality system...
NOW I will play your game
Yoho yoho a bottle of rum for me
Mfw only play Japanese vidya because anime girls are all coomer-rific
So this has to be flop of the year right? Between
So... at this point she's a definite lock for sma5h, right?
Why the FUCK was her route so bad???
RIP RECKFUL - I'll be missing you edition
A game you love is stuck in licensing hell so the only way you can play it now is to still have the CDs or pirate it
I want you to take the mobilepill
Push-to-talk mic
Game won't let you kill the villain
Can I enjoy RDR2 without playing 1?
Aerith Would Fulfill Your Every Need
Name a worse level in all of Vidya
Why isn't it on pc or even ps4?
Mega Man
Engranaje de metal
How would you improve this game?
So... what exactly am I suppose to do with these points if I don't have any friends?
Video Game Thread
Is anyone else thinking about playing Moral Shell tonight?
What did Neil Druckmann mean by this?
Glock 86 Plasma Pistol. Designed by the Gaston Glock artificial intelligence. Shoots a small bolt of superheated plasma...
What the fuck is this?
Made in days when studio had no ¥
I cant remember this game
Favourite characters
Webm Thread
Are these insane game prices going to finally go back down after COVID? Cause this shit is ridiculous
Hey, can you give me a ride home? My friends left me and I lost my phone
Over 60 fps average on every single rtx card at 4k
2D Zelda Games
With EVO canceled, what are you watching this summer fightanbros?
Tales of Phantasia
Just preordered this on steam, what am i in for sonybros?
Summer is here!
Why are western devs so afraid of sex but not violence?
What the fuck happened?
How come there’s no anime shooter games?
How the FUCK were you supposed to know you had to jump on the goomba?
If he did cheat then why did his WR get reinstated?
ITT: Games you bought with your dick
Is crystal/gold/silver the best in the series? Research says it is
Post your Vidya Waifu
Undertale is a good game
I just need a fucking comfy MMO or some RPG to play. Games for this feel?
It was better than Sekiro but it didn't win GOTY, sad! many such cases
Was ever an explanation to this? FF8 thread also
Why is Min Min so cute bros?
And breaks curse
This guy did nothing wrong
Is this worth playing? I got it a long time ago and never really made a dent in it...
Who do you think Sakurai's using Daisy as a base for?
Hey Zig Forums, I LOVE video games!
Remember when brainlet plebs hated Toon Link and thought Wind Waker killed Zelda?
I'm not buying Cyberpunk 2077
Which was better?
What if the PS5 looked like this?
"Hey, Chris. Wanna make a Jill Sandwich,"
How can Sony compete?
Capcom literally calling Switch users Nintentoddlers
Why is it okay to show a woman's insides but not her bare skin in video games? Who the heck makes these rules?
100% Orange Juice
Sometimes you don’t know how good you had it
Risk of Rain
If your name gets called you have to get off Zig Forums and play what you're told
Color in these gauges correctly
'Realism' in vidya was a fucking mistake
Name ONE good female video game dev!
Don't you get tired of it? Video games I mean. Doing jack shit for hours every day...
Worms Armageddon
This has to be the most awkward console to bear existence
Is it still true?
Uu uu
This is the one truly bad Sonic game in the entire franchise...
Have any of yous played Townscaper?
Do you think she'll catch a case? Is there any rebound for her after this?
What are you going to play tonight Zig Forums?
As an actual fan of RE who grew up with the originals and RE4, I want the best for my favourite series
Will RPGs ever have as good dialogue options as this again?
It's over
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Who is your favorite beast from MGS4?
How do you pay for your video games?
What was the best game released in the year of 1992?
Why SSB community is so degenerated?
Post Anime Girl
So what's next for ellie?
What is the most American video game ever created?
Still to this day the best fan related content ever created
I have a 1080 ti, with a 144hz 1080p monitor. Would it be worth it to invest in a 4k monitor...
What the fuck? This is actually pretty good
Coming to a country near you
I've solved controllers
Final Fantasy XIII
Any vidya that respects the Church?
They tried #metoo'ing him too, fucking m2k
Has anyone else noticed that games have really bloated in filesize recently?
Are zoomers destroying the game industry?
Why are autistic people incapable of understanding why people prefer old minecraft?
The absolute state of Yandere Simulator!
Name a better anime to make a videogame out of. Pro-tip: once you go anime you don't go back
Resident 7
Warhammer races
Has anyone played this awful game AI Dungeon? What the fuck does Zig Forums see in it?
Would you play a PC port of Harmony of Despair, Zig Forums?
Scenes women will never understand
What games do you usually play when you hang out with girls?
What’s the most hated sequel in Zig Forums history?
Well, here's the tier list, updated for 8.0.0. Thoughts?
Smash DLC Wishlist Thread
Ahem, you ARE picking up Fallout 76 in the steam sale, right?
Name one flaw this game had that makes it lower than an 8/10 you can't
What was his name again bros?
So how bad will they fuck up the TWEWY adaptation?
Why are jannies deleting fortnite event threads?
Realistically, what are his chances of getting into smash?
What is the worst game mechanic ever created that was widely adopted by developers?
What went wrong bros? He was on top of the world
On sale
Hear track
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumsaturday
Let's play the health bar game Zig Forums
ITT:Characters that are literally you
Sonic The Hedgehog
Game has a setup that goes nowhere
Max canonically killed everyone in Arcadia Bay to save Chloe
Is her race meant to be an elf? Some goblin elf?
Porky Minch
Post your age, job, and favorite vidya
How do we solve the whale problem?
This piece of shit emulator gets more money from Patreon than RPCS3 and yet isn't even half as capable
User why aren't you playing the best mobile game ever made? They literally put me in it!
Black screens in your path
Sakurai-sama.... I KNEEL
Truly the best boat
Why no other dev has been able to replicate the success of the soulsborne series?
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
I finally undesrtood the reason behind the anti-cyberpunk temper tantrums
Persona 4 Golden Comfy General
Game over thread
Are they becoming shit like EA and Ubisoft and Activision and the rest?
Future of FGC
Kino platformers
My wife is scared of ghosts
Little Witch Nobeta
Zig Forums plays Chroma Squad
Party Van
Downer endings are kind of rare in vidya, let's talk about the best sad endings in gaming
What games do you like to play with your buddies?
Is he THE best video game dad?
Gentlemen, how do we save Ninjala?
3 more days Zig Forums. Tik tak tik tak
Are there any games that let you customize your character like a Bionicle? Choosing all the little details, limbs...
Why are blacks so good at fighting ames?
How will this affect Smash Bros in the present/future?
Reminder that Sonic was never good
Why arent you playing the best fallout game?
Who is responsible for Nintendo's decline?
Which character is "kiki" and which one is "bouba"?
If you don't play him, you're a wimp and should die when society colapses
July 2020... I am forgotten
Mfw gaming on a 768p resolution monitor from 2010
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Now that its been out for about a year, what are your thoughts on it?
This, so much this
Games with this feel?
Simpsons Hit And Run Again leaked on amazon
Route 120...home
Genshin Impact
Rpg provides a great number of interesting intergalactic races to choose from
What video game urban legends/conspiracy theories do you know about?
Dude, what if the boss was a powerpoint presentation
I've never played Kingdom Hearts, is it worth it?
What is your favorite comfy game?
ITT: games with the cringiest writing
How do we save the FGC?
You, yes (You)
Steam Sale Recommendations Thread
Any game like this
Sonic Adventure...home
I'm stuck with this fucking thing only for 2 months. What the fuck do I play?
Play one match of smash online
SMT vs Persona
If this is your favorite minigame, I hereby denounce you as a retard
ITT you nostalgia you lose
Game has a desert level
How did they do it? How did like three dudes make an indie game into one of the greatest games ever made?
Is Smash 4 unironically a better game than Smash Ultimate. How would you rank the games in the series?
Post your favorite vidya black woman character
Doesn't really feel like ~10 years worth of development
Why do people buy consoles?
Is this game worth the time in 2020?
*corners you*
Assassin's Creed: Vikangz
PC port when?
Noncombatants are the worst kind of rosterfagging
Whats the best DBZ game besides DBFZ?
What fanbase does this picture best represent?
What happened to MMO's?
Post those gaming collections, boys
Absolute Mad Lad
How do you feel about games with midget characters?
Clone High
What's the appeal of this game? I've never played a more stagnant predictable "fighter" in my life...
Alright Zig Forums! Show me your favorite vidya and no one gets hurt!
What are some hot blooded games?
Why aren't you playing VRChat?
Name a better area
Hope dis nigga gets deported
I don't see much posting about this game. is it actually good? i know its probably a good 3d mario...
Master. We're in a tight spot! A real tight spot. Like, I haven't seen a good thread for ages
Isn't games from GOG better than STEAM? You can open games while offline, and you can't do that in STEAM
Heads up that RPSC3 put a big update out and most games have gotten huge visual improvements and speed increases...
Why do Diehard MGS fans say this is the worst game in the trilogy?
What are these things?
It's okay to like this game you know?
Are you Zig Forumsincels happy yet?
MMZ/LAiX: How do these characters manage to take over their respective series so hard every time?
Killed sixteen beautiful majestic creatures just to save some random girl
Your thoughts on Trials of Mana remake?
Why is this dude the worst character in the game, both storywise, characterwise and gameplaywise?
You just got JYNX'D
This is Lillia, your new League of Legends champion. Say something nice to her
Play Judy's game
Smash info scoop leak
Game isn't a game
This shit is literally unplayable on console
What is it with this franchise and making video games...
A great female character that didn’t have to be obsessed with being more macho than the male characters
The last video game you played gets a cutaway gag in Family Guy. What happens?
What hidden gems have I not found yet, Zig Forums?
ITT: deuteragonists better than protagonist
Who is your video game waifu?
Why do people try to convince themselves that Jill isn't best girl? She's perfect
Diablo 3 - worth playing
Witnesses a giant black dragon bringing other dragons back to life
Your opinion on Apex Legends™?
Real Life Aerith
Animal Crossing
I can't wait for the next generation console war shitposts
Smash pro ZeRo "comes clean" after allegations of sexual misconduct
Based or Cringe?
Persona 4 Golden
Yandere Simulator
Christine owns a PS4
Video games for the feeling this gave me?
Rouge or Amy?
Why did no one tell me that you could replace Neil Druckmann with an AI and you can actually have a fun Story
What's your favorite Atelier game?
Maya Fey
Thoughts on kolin from street fighter?
Video game characters if they were real
Mortal Shell has gone into open beta
Why did Pokemon and Final Fantasy turn to shit but Dragon Quest still lives on?
Anyone feel classical music is overrated shit?
This is fucking BORING
Why is he the bad guy again?
Stormcloak vs Imperial
Now that the dust has settled. What does Zig Forums think?
Look down
Revenge is bad. How exactly? Abby gets her revenge at the beginning of the game at no cost and walks away...
Dude trust me the terribly slow tank controls and shitty combat is a design decision
Nin toddlers on suicide watch
I skipped this handheld as a kid but just got my hands on one. What should I play?
This shit still costs $12.95 subscription in 2020
What's your opinon on Red Dead 2? Felt like a chore to even finish it for me
Dont mind me, just created the most perfect FemShep ever
Can someone explain why Swery went with Switch...
Valkyria Chronicles series
Redpill me on this game. Looks kinda meh
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Based zoomers
What did Scott mean by this?
Is the competitive scene dead at this point?
Is Tim Sweeney the most devilish video game CEO ?
So, Zig Forums
Halo Infinite will revive the franchise!
Has this been the least exciting update yet?
What would the vidya equivalence to this list be?
Why does he sound so weird?
Tfw there will never be a Halo game with super jumps and forge
Character is an agile athlete during cutscenes
Post games which use Non-Euclidean geometry
What's your favourite gacha?
Zig Forums steam group got delet
How do we fix the horror genre, Zig Forums?
Warrior Within
Is there a reason why /vg/ and Zig Forums hate monster hunter generations so much?
Why aren't there more games that feature yuri? Seriously...
This is your new jungle
How much food could you realistically grow in a football field?
Is Clownpiece the most American video game character ever made?
Was old minecraft really better or is it just nostalgia?
Characters that are too good for their own game
Play Muse Dash
TPP actually had a fantastic story
I'm having a bad day. Post some gamer humor pictures and .webms etc
The only reason to not use open source software and Linux is if your PC is primarily used for video games
*receives nudes from your little sister/daughter*
You fought in the Console Wars?
DOA Bread
Go ahead Zig Forums, y'know you want to
Only 10 more days until we get to experience this vidya kino on pc. What are my death stranding bros doing until then...
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Find. A. Single. Flaw
Why does UE4 make everything look like plastic?
Now that every competition has been exposed as terrible people, it's time to accept Chadfox as the one true FGC ruler
Trips and I release the Fox Engine source code
Pick one
Was she even friends with the guy that killed himself? what the fuck happened to doc...
First Responders
GET ON library of ruina/lobotomy corporation thread
Game has realistic female armor
Start game
Well Zig Forums, what did you think of Disco Elysium?
Thoughts on Crash 4?
Ace Attorney Online Zig Forumseekend
Predict the Price Tags
A Zig Forums shitpost has convinced society that an okay hand gesture is a white supremacist hate symbol
What went right?
Missed the Youtube Train
Character Model Appreciation Thread
HES IN jail
Is Matthew Mercer the only huge American VA in the videogame industry who never forgot his humble beginnings as an...
How can a girl Ellie's size kill all these people by herself? She realistically would be pinned down...
Gonzalo Barrios (born April 17, 1995), known by his gamertag ZeRo, is a Chilean professional Super Smash Bros. player
TF2 Classic Thread
Mom I want a SNES Mini
Happy fourth of July Zig Forumsirgins!
What are your thoughts on Ann Takamaki from Persona 5?
No dlc ever
What makes pokegirls so popular?
Is (childish) "fun" the sole aim of videogames?
This is your Triss now, boyo
Here is your GTA protagonist bro
Post the best game from it's respective series. I'll start
I always pic girl
Danganronpa series
You are in charge of making an Amy Rose video game. What do you do?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine