Which character is "kiki" and which one is "bouba"?

Which character is "kiki" and which one is "bouba"?

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A is Kiki, B is Bouba.

A is Kiki
B is Bouba
Don't contest this, I make the rules.

I mean you're not wrong, but is this really Zig Forums?

This obviously. Sharp for a sharp shape, smooth sound for a smooth shape. Why would anyone disagree?

it's a P5 reference tho

no, it's in Ai: The Somnium Files

Based average anons

it's in Baba is You

>Ki-Ki - makes a "cuh" sound at the start, with an "ee" sound at teh end, implying both "cut" and "small," implying a small blade shape
>Bouba - "bou" implies round, o making an undulating wave-like sound that cycles, "ba" implies an end to the circle, confined to a form