What do you guys think of this game?
What do you guys think of this game?
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I never bothered to play it because by then I'd already figured out I don't like LucasArts' adventure games. It's not my type of humor.
Kino. It would be probably the first game that I recommend to a person who never played vidya before.
Better than Monkey Island
Great style
I really enjoy it. Beautiful aesthetic, really classic feel. Games like this and Medievil are why I fell in love with games. I wish more games had such a strong theme, rather than just generic sci fi.
I played this for the first time when I was maybe 25 and got stuck in the forest so bad I used a guide, otherwise great.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles comes to mind too. Although I remember nearly nothing if the game except for wandering through worlds of giant toadstools. Incredible.
It was pretty kino when I played the demo back in 1998. Then my buddy Joe lent me his copy of the game and I completed.
Fuck I miss the 90s
i grew up on old lucas arts adventures like moneky island but missed this one. scored it a couple years back but couldnt get into it because of the shitty controls.