Do you see a future where video games are free from politics?
In case it isn't obvious I mean the kind of politics that push for censorship and identity politics.
Do you see a future where video games are free from politics?
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Cope snowflake
>politics and censorship
Imagine being offended that somebody made a game according to his own values and you can not. Imagine being offended by society enforcing bare minimum social etiquette and public decency. Imagine being so fucking stupid that amidst all this you still think your little tantrums have moral superiority to people who are more conservative, social and provenly productive than you.
well, words are powerful things. they can make one laugh or cry, they have the potential to change someones entire view on life.
Is it really so preposterous that people can also be offended and upset by words?
of course, censorship sucks, but I dont think the problem is that people are being offended by words, its the fact that big companies are listening to the minorities that are offended too much and treating them as the main audience, when in reality, no one gives a shit about whatever they are offended about.
then why does the west have quintuple the crime including sexual crime of Japan who doesn't shove SJW into their games and any gay or tranny stuff is purely for sexual gratification and fetishized
it's because western libs are utterly insane and just want to watch the world burn as if they were possessed by evil incarnate and they hate decency and etiquette.
Pretty sure vikings killed each other over petty quarrels
Pretty sure every culture in the history of assholes killed people over petty shit.
Super controlled society where mental illness rates and other dysfunctionalities are going through the roof. Also, much less likely for police to actually investigate and file taboo crimes.
>gay sex being forced
>muh evil
People have been sexual and political perverts throughout the ages. We live in an exceptionally discreet and peaceful times. No idea why mouthbreathers want to scrap this and go back to decadence and genuine social injustices of victorian era, or the hundred years back that gave us all the worst retard ideologies like communism and nazism and by consequence murdered millions of people across the globe.
I do not even see a future without lootboxes dispite Europe trying to put EA in a legal chokehold by calling lootboxes gambling. I don't see a future where Hollywood isn't run by degenerates and pedophiles pushing an agenda while acting holier than thought. I don't see a world where women aren't manipulative cunts since even lesbian relationships have a higher abuse rate than hetero per capita
Ancient humans literally fought over symbols and words all the time.