Is this the best JRPG of all time?
Is this the best JRPG of all time?
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harvest moon back to nature is
I remember playing this but not finishing it
I'm going to start it again
I remember there were some NPCs that taught you skills
can you learn everything or do you have to select specific characters? can I fuck that up?
you can't really fuck up. you can learn all the skills no problem. the trick with masters is they affect character stats at level up.
it's alright
solid game but the story was mostly boring and the motivations at the end of the game retarded
people seem to enjoy bof4 more but imo it only has a better pixel art
You can't fuck up as far as learning skills go. But you can absolutely fuck up in terms of stat growth. You don't want your main character for example to learn from a master that reduces AP gained per level up, because for them that is by far the most important stat (lets them turn into and maintain dragon form for longer).
BoF4 is a worse game.
holy shit
does the game show you what stats are going to be affected?
I think it does. It's mostly common sense but you don't want a mage gaining less AP and magic damage per level up for example.
there's some missable skills through the 'study' system but you can look up that pretty easily.
Never played the others.
It never seemed to get better after the friends break-up a few hours in.
Really wish more of the game were about comfy Ryu Rei and Teepo bro times.
ok thanks anons
I dunno, I think you could make meme builds if you wanted. Obviously there's an optimal path if you want to play vanilla.
Put Peco under Fahl, that's the only one you need to worry about hard. Peco is seriously god tier under Fahl, can carry you easily. Plus he's cute and his animations are great
BoF 3 is for sure in the running. So is Bof 4
True, 4's still my favorite though
are 1 and 2 worth it?
It's up there for me. I played it a lot when I was younger. I think so far out of all the games I've played Dragon Warrior VII is the funnest adventure I've ever had.
No. Too many pointless mini games woven into the main quest, with a lot of side games straight-up strongarming you into acceptance unless you want a bad time.
>Too many pointless mini games woven into the main quest
Name them.
Nah, not even close. It's pretty, but the gameplay and pacing are pretty bad.
my fav website
Same thing here, the kicker for me is that i stopped right at the elevator that leads to the last boss
It isn't even the best JRPG on the PS1
Romancing SaGa is
I've never actually played Breath of Fire. Should I just start at 1 and go through or are there any to skip? Any of them related in story?
I remember renting Dragon quarter as a little kid from a videogame rental store and really really enjoying the music but hating the fact I died every time I transformed. Also I didn't understand jack shit that was happening
I literally cannot think of any required minigames. Do you mean the puzzles? Like the "match the cubes" thing in the tower? Or do you mean like combat training whatshisname at the docks?
Dragon Quarter was so bad on so many levels, worst of all abandoning the absolutely gorgeous pixelart form for 3D polygonal trash. Having a 2.5D map with simple pixellated textures stretched over them is as far as they ever needed to go.
>Any of them related in story?
1 and 2 kind of are but they're pretty much stand alone.
Myria was right unironically. Rewatching the ending as an adult you really come to realize that the party had 0 counterarguments to what Myria was spreading and the best argument they had was "We might be able to do something in the future. Even though we have the smartest motherfucker in existence in our party and even she's not confident in her skills."
The fact Myria only sent over technology which wouldn't be used for war only for Momo to shit on that and invent a cannon really just further proves Myria's point.
Like seriously, if Yggdrasil was entirely willing to sacrifice Peco to reclaim the desert then maybe he should have just spoken to Myria about it.
The fact the world is now relying on Ryu being able to save the world with his Brood Power which is exclusively a power of destruction just further proves Myria's point.
Honestly, if Ryu was entirely willing to approach the Goddess on peaceful terms then Teepo wouldn't have had to fight him and then we wouldn't have had to kill our friend.