>he literally talks to them
Didn't he argue with a girl at one point that it'd be legal in chile?
I would
its not legal in chile
in brazil it is though
Gonza"no age restriction" Barrios
>tfw family gave me (19) a girl's (14) number
>his entire legacy being reduced to ice cube underage masturbation
Brutal mog
He was a fat weeb who knew how to press buttons
Remember when 2GG: Civil War was the best Smash 4 tournament and not a fight about who'd get to fuck that twink?
Didn't he loose a ton of weight during this year?
you knew something was wrong with him the second he embraced being a weeb and putting a anime chick in every banner he had.
The dudes got a nice bod but he gives off turbo virgin energy. His eyes nervously bounce around the room, unable to maintain focus. He seems to look at friends/the camera multiple times in order to see if he's getting acknowledgement and validation from others. A true CHAD would have his high test gaze on the prize, much like what ZeRo is doing staring at the screen.
I have to agree, Annette poster.
What does Zero even do at this point, realistically? His name is permanently tarnished. He lost his job. He lost his sponsors and contracts. He's been blacklisted from the community. He betrayed his fans and supporters (especially by needing to write three Twitlongers before finally fessing up). He lost all his friends. ESPN (not ESPN2 but normalfag ESPN) wrote an article about him and his ice cube escapades. He made a lot of money from streaming but I highly doubt it will last him for the rest of his life as long as he lives in America. I doubt his fiance will stick around.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by pictures of past memories and achievements, living in constant regret. A hell of his own making.
Unironically suicide. There's nothing left for someone like him.
Being a socially awkward loser that can’t even bother to make eye contact with your opponent isn’t Chad material. Heavy beta male energy. Weak
If ProJared rebounded somehow so can he.
But he'll probably kill himself before he can do so. Otherwise, its back to living with his mom i guess.
Unironically just continue streaming and youtube. He still has a big fanbase from what I can see with all the people defending him.
May as well keep uploading/streaming until he truly stops making money from it or is banned from those platforms.
Wasnt there a girl pedo smash player in one of these threads? What did she do?
Gonna have to second this, he looks like a nervous sperg. I bet he's a fucking dweeb who managed to get his act together looks-wise but still hasn't quite fully figured out the cool confidant personality part yet. There are more people like this than people think. He does look good though, I bet as time goes on he should get it eventually.
Projared had the receipts to prove he didn't do anything wrong
It's the top of the discord, when I walk in all the cunny flock
GET GET GET Jisu 3 stocked if I play against the twitter bots
Scarf around my neck, Ice cubes so cold that I'm past hot
Boy I might be behinds bars, they'll keep my ass bouncing like a jab lock
Diddle Diddy, Sheik, I'll switch to apologize, I'm throwing fire
If you see me in your bracket I suggest that your child retires
'Cause everybody know how the accusations and dropped sponsors are won
They all leave my name, I'm getting deported home with ZeRo (nada!)
All Pro Jared did was cheat on his wife. There's no hope for zero
This, unironically his life is over, either live while being known as a pedophile and be hated by everyone, not being able to be employed and living with the guilt or just painlessly ending it all with a nice rope
>ProJared rebounded somehow
ProJared had proof he did nothing wrong and that his ex-wife was a crazy bitch. He also did the right thing: he shut the fuck up and got a lawyer.
14 is legal in Chile
Move back to Chile with his Facebook money and live a life of luxury for the rest of his life. Facebook paid him a fuckload to stream on their platform.
He can still make Youtube videos and keep the comments off for some side money.
She sucked off a 14 year old boy(who legit looked 8) as a 24 year old.
>DBFZ community now getting hit with allegations
lmao the receipts to prove that he was a skeevy weirdo that shared nudes with his fans
He didn't even do that, it was an open relationship
Imagine that dude with Leffen's energy. A Smash CHAD never-ever.
It's the top of the players, when I walk in all the others flock
J-J-J-JV3 stock if I play against SonicFox
Scarf around my neck, so cold that I'm past hot
Boy I got bars, keep it bouncing like a JAB LOCK
Projared was actually smart and lawyered up and didn't say a word before laying everything out in a carefully constructed video. ZeRo was retarded enough to lie in two previous twitlongs before admitting to it entirely in the third one. He's a complete idiot.
Dude has a massive ego. I doubt he cares about the money. It's the positive attention that he values over anything else. He literally has a video on his channel where he reacts to a documentary about HIMSELF.
Have you seen the viewcount on his recent videos?
>lmao the receipts to prove that he was a skeevy weirdo that shared nudes with his fans
I can guarantee you that literally every E-celeb in the fucking world has done this. Rock stars do this constantly.
>Zig Forums goes on and on about how girls in their mid teens are prime and legal
>One of their idols at 19 gets into some shit for fucking one
And yet you all will continue posting pokemon and other Vidya underaged girls half naked and saying how much you want to fuck them.
Being a cheater is not the same as being a predator. You can eventually have a beer with a cheater and have fun calling the ex a cunt, because you know there are bad people out there and maybe he was justified in fucking her over, but could you honestly ever connect with someone you knew told a child to shove ice cubes up her vag for his sexual gratification?
>built like that
holy fuck I need her name. I want to conquer her pussy
Jesus fuck I feel so stupid enjoying his content, at least he is no more, hopefully he commits the etika
I pray that you're just looking for (You)s.
Yeah but rock stars are rock stars and ZeRo is a fat ugly chilean with no charisma.
>in b4 "but that's not fair!!!"
Life isn't fair
Holy shit Zig Forums
Holy fucking shit
I never thought in my entire life I would hear "cheating is fine because women are cunts, so it's not as bad as pedophilia"
You people need to get off the incel shit.
>smashies getting exposed
>sky williams is a literally insane sociopath
Just imagine, smash will keep the old smelly and new pedo stigmas and pick up a third one: suicide. How much lower can you go.
Yet Projared got a bunch of fan pussy so I guess being a rock star isn't exclusive to it lol
Are you serious? Cheating is absolutely not as bad as pedophilia. In what universe would that not be the case?
Imagine thinking that being a rockstar automatically grants you the privilege to rape underage children, lmfuckingmao
No but you're saying cheating is a good thing because women are cunts. Even if one is significantly more severe they're still both bad things.
Gonna need some context for this bizarre shit
what the fuck is even going on right now? is literally every single person with an iota of fame some kind of secret psychopath?
Zig Forums has been making fun of scarflard forever, he isn’t an idol here by any stretch of the imagination. dumb Zig Forums cross poster.
He likely lost his Facebook money because he had to be terminated due to a scandal. Companies have scandal clauses in place to protect themselves for events just like this.
Wow you sure moved those goalposts fast
There’s nothing more pure than the love between a shota and an older woman.
Most of us Zig Forumsirgins hated ZeRo from the beginning.
This is a MKleoCHAD board
Who? What?
Doesn't matter. You faggots still sexualize underaged girls here.
nigga basically owned houses that housed a lot of people in the smash community (which was where the shit with zero and keitaro happened) and was extremely crazy, would flip his shit if you entered his room/woke him up or had uninvited guests
>A life of fame changes the way you think in ways the unknown don't fully realize
>being famous puts you under a magnifying glass for criticism for even small things, and many are jealous of the successful
There's your answer, most of this shit is because of reason one or two
>he can't separate fiction from reality
Oh no he's retard.
No people are just riding the cancel wave. Nakkiel recently got "canceled" for having a bumpy relationship with his ex, in which he groped her while they were sleeping once. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain by trying an accusation and framing it as a huge traumatic event that left you feeling scarred and powerless.
No, you just misunderstood what I was saying, retard.
she didnt love him she manipulated him
it was pretty fucked up, she was apparently fucking around with other dudes while at the same time promising him they would be together when he turned 18 as long as he never told anyone about them and deleted facebook dms she sent him
then just dropped his ass once he started hitting puberty
>stepping on boardwalk while I have a hotel on it
Is this nigga playing monopoly kek, and then he goes into his psycho shit immediately after without pausing in between. This is almost schizo-like, like he's conflating the two.
>some piece of shit tried to accuse M2K of shit
>he was forced to reveal to everyone that his dick doesn't work because the kike doctors botched his circumcision
>being that insane about unexpected guests
What the fuck is he hiding
Solomon Grundy
>loud gay black man is a psychopath
This was already public knowledge, still a shame some false accusations made him re-visit it.
We just don't like ZeRo and wanted him gone. If this happened to anyone else, ZeRo would be making hay on it with multiple videos this week as he has done with other spun up drama. Smash is gay and FGC is cringe
Based CHADlord shitting on rentfags
>moving the goalposts
The amount of cognitive dissonance when people get BTFO is astounding.
>Zig Forums is one person
This is a fucking trip
>Deleted post
Not him, you’re a fucking braindead retard who needs to kill themselves
What is this posting style called?