Brutal mog
He was a fat weeb who knew how to press buttons
Remember when 2GG: Civil War was the best Smash 4 tournament and not a fight about who'd get to fuck that twink?
Didn't he loose a ton of weight during this year?
you knew something was wrong with him the second he embraced being a weeb and putting a anime chick in every banner he had.
The dudes got a nice bod but he gives off turbo virgin energy. His eyes nervously bounce around the room, unable to maintain focus. He seems to look at friends/the camera multiple times in order to see if he's getting acknowledgement and validation from others. A true CHAD would have his high test gaze on the prize, much like what ZeRo is doing staring at the screen.
I have to agree, Annette poster.
What does Zero even do at this point, realistically? His name is permanently tarnished. He lost his job. He lost his sponsors and contracts. He's been blacklisted from the community. He betrayed his fans and supporters (especially by needing to write three Twitlongers before finally fessing up). He lost all his friends. ESPN (not ESPN2 but normalfag ESPN) wrote an article about him and his ice cube escapades. He made a lot of money from streaming but I highly doubt it will last him for the rest of his life as long as he lives in America. I doubt his fiance will stick around.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by pictures of past memories and achievements, living in constant regret. A hell of his own making.
Unironically suicide. There's nothing left for someone like him.