You will not kill one more soul. You will not steal one more thing. I will not allow it. Here and now, I stand against you!
You will not kill one more soul. You will not steal one more thing. I will not allow it. Here and now...
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>keeps scrolling
How would CF Dimitri react if he saw what he was like in the other routes?
I actually just beat 3H. About to do NG+ Blue Lions. What do I need to look out for?
Though he would probably pick up the eyepatch because he thinks it makes him look cool
Oh, yeah.
Watch this, faggot.
>kills myself
I just killed one more soul.
Villain routes are always great
>Smashing Flayn's skull while Seteth watches
>Killing Seteth afterwards, his last thoughts being of his failure
>Killing the dumb bimbo Hilda on the streets of Derdriu
>Shooting down Claude and then executing him to crush the rebels in the Alliance
>Killing Dimitri's friends while your ancient alien friends nuke his cities
>Confronting Dimitri at the Tailtean Plains where his country won their freedom
>Promptly striking him down so he'll never avenge his loved ones and his homeland will fall
>Dimitri dying in Dedue's arms
>Fully mindbreaking Rhea, turning her into a monster and then killing her too
>chose BL first because it seemed like the most generic of the routes and figured id get it out of the way fist
Honestly didn't expect to enjoy the story and cast as much as I did.
>Started with CF first
>Went through the whole route asking myself, "Are we the bad guys?"
>Cheered for Dimitri every time he was on screen
>Went BL next
>Immediate thought was "Yeah edelgard was the bad guy"
Why do edeltards think she's the protagonist and her route is canon? CF is riddled with red flags.
>Why do edeltards think she's the protagonist
It's just shitposters, they're spamming copypastas from reddit
They don't actually believe she's not the villain, that would be retarded