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Video Games #5167
Video Games
Why are Snoys like this?
Game has a difficult choice
Protag is a commie
Now that the dust has settled, how's Samurai Shodown?
Will Part 2 feature an extended beach vacation chapter in Costa del Sol?
It still can't be topped
Cyberpunk 2077 blunder confirmed
Dishonored was made by fucking frenchies?
Risk of Rain
What's some good news you've heard about this game?
Weaponfu thread
Boomer thread
Iron Man VR releases
20th July State of Play info
Can we agree Samus looks best with a slim body?
Suppressor reduces damage
Blue Lions is the best route in 3H and the best that Fire Emblem has been in 20 years
Why did N64 games look so much better than PS1 games? was it hardware, or art direction? or both?
20th July Direct info
Let's be honest here, MGS3 is practically the best game in the series...
Foxhole thread! Silent snow edition I don't know why you guys dislike it here, i've been having a lot of fun
Pcbros will defend this
Post yfw you've never once in your entire life broken a controller or gotten violent...
Guys, shes still the best
AI Dungeon
I've never played a Rayman game. Which ones are worth playing?
Got my VR headset a few days ago and finished Half Life: Alyx...
Should i play this
Best game out of the trilogy?
Bully 2
Pills here!
When did you stop playing World of Warcraft?
Are Windows and Linux the only OS for gaming on PC? What about TempleOS and macOS?
Regenerative health is gone, replaced by the need to forage for food and eat rations
Why did you stop playing Warframe?
Why is there so much furshit in vidya recently?
Why does Japan love filling their games with pseudo intellectual, half baked, deliberately vague drivel?
Battlestation thread? Battlestation thread. Finally got this TV mounted
Its better than i expected, but it's still shitty garbage
Me in the back working hard on my newest upcoming game "elden ring"
So this is free on Uplay. Is it any good?
Is this worth getting for pc? I have a 1440p/144hz IPS monitor so it will look glorious
How can it be that this game is so much fucking uglier than Xenoblade Chronicles X?
ITT: Post characters/things that resemble a major character in a videogame and others will guess the game
Sixbros... it's never coming, is it?
What games would i excel at?
Err....oh dear. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "news," does it?
Assassin's Creed lost its charm and it is this game's fault
She ruined Fighter Z for me...
Monster Hunter 6/W2 to bring back Devilblos and confirm it turns in to Bloodbath
What games have you played today?
Zig Forums be like
I am about to start playing FF XIII for the first time. What am I in for?
Outer Wilds
This game any good?
Yfw they kill a game
Mankind Divided
She's right you know
So was he the embodiment of all Zig Forums?
Why yes I do hit on female guild members, how can you tell?
Which Crash Bandicoot game was the best?
PS5 is underpowered before release
Yea, the Xbox Series X definitely is gonna be the most powerful console next gen...
This is Dahlia, the best Blade from Xenoblade 2. Say something nice to her
Dissidia > remake
Got this during the summer sale, downloading it now. What am I going to think of it?
What is your mouse of choice?
The Wonderful 101
Xbox series x box art design revealed
You may only choose one girl
This build right here is literally more powerful than the PS5...
You may only pick one
Touhou thread
Was this really necessary?
Why is sony suddenly shilling for the epic store ?
Now you got my attention Ubisoft
Why did Overwatch "die"?
Is this game actually good? i only ever played pm64
Return to Castle Wolfenstein bread
It's gonna fucking suck, won't it?
As a reward for completing this shitty puzzle you may complete it again under harder conditions for a reward that isn't...
Shat the bed in the gameplay department
Darkest Dungeon Thread
You can't deny this, it's a fact
Farcry 5 did well but its sequel failed. What went wrong ?
Zig Forums plays ai dungeon
Is the games industry obligated to keep up with social movements...
ITT: Bland and Soulless games
I just got to the end of 999, pic related. I'm so fucking mad. (Here be spoilers. Turn back lest ye be spoiled.)
Which games makes you feel this way?
Is there a better example of Japan vs the West?
What was the game that broke you?
What does RPG mean nowadays? Is it just a game that has combat with stats?
Most popular game in the series is also one of the worst
He's right you know
Persona 4 shadow reaction
Zig Forums will somehow defend skyrim being better
Which Schools of Magic that you use the most in JRPG/WRPG?
Game allows you to transform into other objects or creatures
What is going on in Seattle especially with Valve ?
Pro-Gamers getting cancelled
5% of Poland's exports
Rosterfagging is dead long live rosterfagging
I bought a used PS4 and it came with this theme
Were people pissed in 2000 when you couldn’t romance her?
Diversitypunk 2077
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
You are playing Sword Art Online. You have to defeat Kirito. How do you do it...
Grease Monkey
Quarantine JRPG Thread
Reviews are out tomorrow. Guess the score
Be honest, user, have you every crossed the line?
When will we finally get a videogame that truly represents the modern reality of the United States Armed Forces?
Tencent will soon own the studio behind Warframe
Hey, user. can you come help me gather materials? i'll make it worth your while
Expect complete trash after ZTD
This game is
Now hear this, all YandereDevs man your battlestations!
Why don't you guys realise this simple truth?
What are some ethereal games that feel like a dream?
Did the world of BotW feel empty to you? If so, what are some open-world games that don't feel empty...
Gwyn fucks over the cycle entirely by prolonging the Age of Fire
How does japanese devs keep getting away with it?
Gameplay > story
Persona 4 was an immense downgrade over its predecesso-
What was his crime?
Cyberpunk 2077
Classic wow
Most kino boss fight since Metal Gear Rising
Smash DLC
How would you describe this photo?
What does Zig Forums think of Rayman?
Gaming as a refuge
10/10 levels
Heathrow Airport locked behind $120 Premium Edition
Defend at the right time to parry an attack
At what point do you consider character design too oversexualized?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
What does this level even mean, what determines it, why does it matter
Sup virgin, I'm your bodyguard
No More Heroes 3 - The Return
Why do Nintendo neglect Brazil ?
Has a videogame ever made you look differently on life itself?
Wait a minute this is just Bloodborne but worse
Character has military background
Will boulders gate 3 be a good game?
Did the concept of aiming ruin shooting games?
Why is Genshin Impact so controversial on Zig Forums?
Norman tidus
Foods based on video games are extra delicious
I genuinely don't understand how people could prefer 2016 over Eternal. 2016 is great...
Did HE deserve the money?
Love Sick devs have confirmed Yanderedev has sent them threats that he will commit suicide if they continue with game...
What kind of game would a goblin be the main character of be?
What is this game and is it any good? Also which control scheme is the best?
*is the most kino boss in the game*
What's next for her?
Zig Forums plays ai dungeon: 'One More Meat Rejected' part 3
Why do you claim you hate them, but still buy their products?
Ghost of Tsushima leaked gameplay footage
Character uses their ultimate move
Do you recommend me to buy this game? Is it good?
Blaster Master Zero 2 is fun
Blizzard revealed to be a chinese game company
Play fighting games
I will now buy your game
What's the point of playing this when stardew valley exists?
Four years?
Zig Forums play AI Dungeon - Monster Girl Edition
Vidya confessions thread
This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip
Which house are we maining in the new Harry Potter RPG bros?
I'm tougher thank I look!
Is there any good Devil May Cry rip-offs on PC? I just want to kill demons with my big sword bro
What games do they play?
Why haven't we had a good simpsons game in years?
Kojima to announce Silent Hills in an hour
Lara is 200% literal perfection
I reached Alcamoth
I'd buy a ps4 for this
Can we get a DS and 3DS thread going?
Lego NES set announced
Start up new fap game so I can fap
I cast Thwack and instantly KO your entire party
Is this the greatest game ever made?
TLOU2 drops another 48% in the UK
What is his fucking problem
Why is pixel art so hated?
I still CANNOT believe this shitty game has been approved by the same company that delayed Metroid Prime 4 for quality...
Why does Zig Forums hate nuLara?
Far Cry 6 is not 4K on PS5
Where did it all go wrong?
Loses a match
Itt: games you refunded
Hearts of Iron IV Producer is being deported by the Swedish Government
This cake is great
Blue eyes
Xbox Series X
Vidia butts
He installs mods
Not only GOTY but also JRPG of the generation
What’s the appeal of League of Legends?
So what was up with this picture in particular
These zoomers bought a fucking VILLA with money they made from Fortnite
Magic, dragons, regenerating health, etc
Unironically a fucking virgin
Can I get uhhh comfy PSP thread?
Nintendo Switch
Hail To The King, Baby!
*Never releases in the west in your path*
Nomura adds TIME JANNIES to this game
Did he deserve the money?
XSEED 10 years ago
I'm playing the remaster and it's great so far. I love the exploration and the hunt system. Just a question though...
DNF 2001
But seriously though, how do you aim with a controller?
Post a movie and its closest vidya equivalent
I can only afford 1 console per generation, so i always go for the best selling one
FPS with regenerating health
What are some 00s games that are best played at night?
Which console will you buy this/next year, the XBOX Series X or the PS5?
Please give me a good ps2 game to play rn
Game has vikings
Sarah Miller
Two bosses in the same arena
How did Halo become successful? On heroic you can't take any dmg whatsoever and enemies take tons of shots to kill...
Zig Forums plays ai dungeon: 'One More Meat Rejected' part 2
Will this game get better reception than TLOU2?
Did you pway Chawwotte's game ?
Alright Zig Forums
Valorant best multiplayer fps
Name a worse nationality in multiplayer
What the fuck SONY?
Dragon Quest
It's probable that an user on Zig Forums won't live to play cyberpunk 2077
Prince of Persia - Sands of Time
Why did TLU 2 fail?
Was Daikatana really that bad?
What makes him so lovable?
50€ for a 2gb game
We're nearly home, halobros
Don't feel like playing an old game
Beats up the entirety of the Yakuza in every game
What the fuck was YOUR problem, Zig Forums?
First trans character in vidya
Give me the best rts games Zig Forums
Still relevant
Western gamekino from Kojima incoming?
In AC:V you can change your sex at any time
Magic the Gathering: Arena - a video game
Main character is walking piece of human trash
Why is this game so damn kino, Zig Forums?
$50 for a few jpegs
Why don't many games utilize DirectX 12? It's been 5 years now
Bro you've got to play this game, it's so good
A month after being released on Steam...I am forgotten
Deux Ex Mankind Divided
Oh no! Kassandra is going to say the m-word!
What other games besides Yakuza let me enter Japanese stores?
What do you want next from Valve?
Lmao some valve ex employee is spilling tea, loos like epic is eating steam from inside, already 25% market share ohnono
Video games to play while stoned?
Games where the hero died/fails in the end despite his best efforts to correct the wrong/fight evil?
What are some good horror games in which you have no ways to defend yourself against the enemy?
Who's the Jeffery Epstein of video games
YanDev threatens suicide!
What is the best rhythm game?
Blue cases again
I dislike how correct Kojimbo was about the future with this...
Makes you think, dont it?
Exact same menu as odyssey
Armored core
Games where you can play as a martial artist and kick people?
Why did games lose their soul?
Do you see a certain pattern, Zig Forums?
Buying a samurai game made by western devs
So, what's this game about?
Does Zig Forums like Chrono Cross?
Zig Forums plays ai dungeon
My fucking stomach hurts after watching the gameplay reveal
Is it just me or does Wet Dry World have a negative emotional aura?
Ring Fit Adventure
How do we stop gamers from doing this?
Ryu could have had her at any point
Hi, I am secretly the best way of playing 2D platformers
Did he say the n word or something?
Stop posting disgusting 3D piggus and post 2D Futa Succubus Goddesses
What games fit this description?
PChads, we are coming home tomorrow
Rumor has it the PS5 prices and release date will be announced today
Play Fallout 4
A player you reported has just had their money stolen for 2 weeks
Stop having sex
You, hey you, faggot
I haven't played any Far Cry games...
Why do games need to be art?
Pretty cool eh?
Here's your waifu bro
Which GTA had the best radio stations?
Boss counters certain builds, no matter how well developed
||Nintendo 7/14/20||
Gamer girl joins the server
Why is no one talking about Deathloop? It's got a wonderful 70s aesthetic. Plus when has Arkane ever made a bad game...
I am cautiously awaiting this
What do you wanna see in code vein 2?
Far Cry 6 information and images
Who is Zig Forums's favorite vtuber? Kizuna Ai? Vtubers from Hololive, or Nijisanji?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Why does everyone who watches UFC look like this?
Animal Crossing: New Horizons thread
Be honest Zig Forums...have you ever beat your meat to a video game character before?
Reddit making fun of Zig Forumsincels
CRPG Thread
Fire boss
This is tracer from overwatch 2
Monster Hunter
Zig Forums plays ai dungeon
Tifa thread
>They added cthulu to smite before Jesus
How do you come up with a good, inconspicious username? I don't want any attention drawn to me, ever...
Why don't more games have co-op modes?
How did they do it Zig Forums? How did XIV managed to upsell limited Races?
Why does Zig Forums hate Dragon's Crown?
Little Witch Nobeta
ITT games that aren't coming out
Will Overwatch 2 be any good?
How come Japan makes so many great games and Koreans can't make a single good one?
What does Zig Forums think of pic related?
I will now buy your game
*Punches teacher in face and gets track team banned*
ITT: Shit that made you wince in vidya
This but unironically
Say hello to the Doom killer
What games have the best violence/gore?
ITT: Post your occupation and your favorite video game
Gives food, shelter, housing to poor students
Post YOUR favorite game
Crash Bandicoot in Smash Bros Ultimate
This looks crazy, what are some good games to get into this genre?
The only good ship in a video game
SMT Thread
Should smt 3 nocturne really be considered part of the smt series...
You can save ONE vidya character from their horrible fate
He thinks the point of the game is “the player is bad” instead of “the game industry makes billions off of...
Any games with a gorey, mass shooting, or gritty power fantasy shooting vibe
A fighter you always wanted joins a fighting game
Multiple smaller monitors or
Tfw Zig Forums forces you to hate a game that you really liked
Now that the dust has settled, who was truly in the wrong here?
Would you play duel monsters with her?
Remember that time luigi had lightning powers?
Finished 3 games on my backlog today
Advance Wars thread
Any hard choices you made in vidya games
You did save him, didn't you, Zig Forums?
What is the most dog shit game you ever finished?
Does Zig Forums like games about big warships?
Metro 2033 Redux
What's the video game equivalent of Kripsy Kreme donuts?
What went wrong here?
What was the hardest RTS campaign level you've ever played?
How do I get a gamer gf like this?
What is the most unnerving enemy in a video game Zig Forums?
Do any games have your fetish?
Cut more and more features the more women and minorities you hire as devs
Okay, so...
What went wrong?
Which Overwatch character has the highest skill ceiling?
I play video games
I really enjoyed Little Witch Nobeta
What does Zig Forums thinks about Amy
The average american consumer will not going to understand that this is the next gen xbox...
Can i discuss this game without being called an ubisoft employee?
This fat fuck has to be the least interesting villain I've ever seen in a video game
Hey Zig Forums! How are you doing tonight?
I feel like playing fallout 4. Talk me out of it
Baldur's Gate 3
How could SE not make a sequel out of twewy since it has so much content?
What's next?
What's your favorite easter egg in a video game?
Here's your modern day AAA game developper bro
How do you come up with a good username that can stick with you?
Who here has to wake up early tomorrow for work?
I have played every single game. I've beaten essentially every single game. What now? Do I just kill myself?
What is the best monsta girl game?
Tfw you fell for the physicalmeme
No thanks, sis
Ctrl + F
A seal has been opened
Let's have a more positive Paper Mario thread
Are there any anime themed RPG games that have normal Western style combat?
Add a westerner to the team
Are you up to play some ai dungeon Zig Forums?
Isn't it weird that MGS is genuinely never ever coming back
Retarded sticker on Xbox versions
Wait, I don't understand
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
I’ll stream if you guys are interested in seeing the game. I just finished the prologue but I don’t mind starting over
Doom thread. NOW
Do I bother playing this game if I know? Pic related
3x3 bread
Phoenix Wright thread
13 days until the collection including this gem is announced
Is there a rule in a competitive game able to match this bullshit
Japanese girl
Convince me that Hard Corps is better than this game, Zig Forums
Worst game cover you can find thread!
Villain has magical powers
Are you honestly a fan of this character?
What are you waiting for?
How would you revive Castlevania?
Alright Zig Forums, what is the best gacha game on the market?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Dragon's Dogma
Went to 2ch and 5ch to get opinions on Ghost of Tsushima
Just finished it
Which format is LESS appealing to you?
You will not kill one more soul. You will not steal one more thing. I will not allow it. Here and now...
Play the Thinking Man's Gacha
You would think that with a design like this and her star role in a indie crossover fighting game featuring Gunvolt...
Purple midnight in real time
For me, it's OoT Zelda
Years after release
What gives?
What games let me play as the bad guys?
It fucking hurts bros
Why are smash players like this?
Game has recoil patterns
Persona 3 we got a dog, Persona 4 we got a femboy, Persona 5 we got a cat
Comfy Vidya girls thread
Animal Crossing
What would you say is the best looking video game console ever made? Ignore everything about ability and library...
Games Zig Forums tricked you into thinking they were good
Yeah, I'm thinking Ubisoft is back
What vidya fandom does this describe
What is the pringles of video games?
Unironically, how will Smashfags ever recover?
This is how my game looks. I have zero HUD elements...
Trophy thread post what trophies you're hunting and what plats you got recently
Lets make the worst thread in Zig Forums history
Alright let's try this shit again
No rumor bullshit in this thread. If it's happening, it's either happening on the 14th with an announcement tomorrow...
You, yes YOU
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine