Zig Forums will somehow defend skyrim being better

>Zig Forums will somehow defend skyrim being better

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Honestly I’d only agree if there were some semblance of vagueness to the task (like go to a town to give a package to someone but other than a place and a name, it’s up to you to divine the necessary steps to get there). If everything is just spelled out from start to finish condensing it as a quest market is just more efficient.

The left isn’t immersive at all. My idea for a game is that depending on your level of intelligence the character might be illiterate, if he’s illiterate the notebook he writes would be impossible to read full of mistakes and errors and none of the words will make sense

>bitching about something you can turn off

Simple. Add waypoint markers in normal mode. Make a new gamemode called "Dragonborn" to take away waypoint markers.

it's pretty nice if you're looking for a cave in the middle of fucking nowhere

Both games are riddled with shitty fetch/deliver quests and linear dungeons. Both approaches are an insult to your intelligence: a bunch of fluff that is ultimately worthless vs a giant arrow

Turn. Off. The. HUD.

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Clairvoyance is a novice spell.

Morrowind is garbage for a fucktone of reasons.
>boring fetch quest with no substance
>boring fetch quest with no substance BUT THEY GIVE YOU DIRECTIONS OMG
Zig Forumsirgins cream their pants

The map of morrowind is so small if your walking speed wasn't gimped you could walk from one side to the other in under 10 minutes.

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