You may only pick one
You may only pick one
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as much as I love Killing Floor it can get really repetitive and doesn't have as much variety when it comes to custom maps/mods
vanilla L4D2 is also repetitive but the Source modding community is great at coming up with new shit to do in their games
this and based
L4D2 any day
there's far more replay value than KF
KF is just poor man's Nazi Zombies anyway
Hard to say. I played killing floor for far more hours than l4d/2, but I have much more vivid, fond memories of l4d.
Also I can still boot up kf and have fun but l4d is a fucking chore because every single path is burned into my mind.
Neither, both suck
Worst purchase this year for me. Fuck all you idiots who hyped this up.
Should be L4D>>>>>>>literal shit>KF2 at the end there, but I accept your post too.
Left 4 Dead 2
Mever liked KF2, the fist one was better
KF2 doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. It's still a fun game. And don't even try crying about the microtransactions because KF1 fucking had them too.
If I can only pick one, KF2.
But patrician's choice would be L4D1.
>But patrician's choice would be L4D1
But why? L4D2 includes all the content of L4D1.
L4D2 = KF1 > L4D = KF2
no legs tho
and I'm a L4Dfag
KF by a long shot
Also KF2 is great despite being soulless
Killing Floor easy. The tug of war with downed survivors just kills L4D's appeal to me.
Nah this game is insanely repetitive. There's a reason why it was still dead even after having been given away for free.
In terms of fun, L4D2 > KF1 > L4D1 > A half-cooked pot of mac and cheese > KF2. I like L4D1's atmosphere the best, but 2 has a lot of improvements and a better cast by far, even if you can't top Bill.
KF2 is fun with friends, but you can make damn near anything fun with friends. Something about the visuals bothered me as well. I get Tripwire doesn't have the best resources, but it looks a lot jankier.
I know you mean the game, but every time I see it I think of the movie adaptation and get angry.
>There's a reason why it was still dead
yeah, 1 year EGS exclusive
yeah and it was still dead after they desperately gave the game out for free
But L4D2 because I can make maps for it.
LFD2 Casual
KF1 HoE was the most fun shit
or maybe because gabe cum garglers are missing out good games because they won't leave their megacorp cult
nah the game is garbage
A much better debate would've been l4d1 v kf1.
tripwire are literal fucking retards that keep sabotaging the game
KF2 >KF>L4D2 - Gameplay wise of course. KF2 is a dumpster fire in every other aspect.
Just because I don't trust EGS doesn't mean I have any loyalty to Steam. Release it on GOG and I'll do business.