Nintendo Switch

>dude it doesn't matter the games look and run like shit, it's portable!
>2 hours of battery life

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>nintendo simps

its pretty pathetic since gaming laptops can have rtx 2080 super cards and match its battery life.


It's obviously a pretty weak machine compared to the other consoles, and particularly PCs, but for a handheld console it's pretty good solid, and the docking functionality automatically makes it one of the most versatile consoles ever made. If you're not a graphics fag, the switch is peak comfy.

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To be fair "portability" doesn't mean the same thing to an adult that it does for a child. As a child it means bringing it to school field trips and on the schoolbus, bringing it to your friends house, bringing it to long car rides, bringing it to the store to stay entertained while your mom walks around looking at clothes for an hour and a half etc.

Portability now, as an adult, just means I can play it on my balcony while smoking or relaxing, lying down on my couch and playing it, bringing it to my bed, or playing it at my computer desk in my bedroom instead of the TV in the living room. Since it's pretty much always in my house, portable or not, the 3 hour battery life (3, not 2), is hardly ever an issue.

Member how Nintendo DS had a 6 hour battery life? I member. Binging the Castlevania games on the damn thing was so fun.

>Are you telling me you don't enjoy playing full priced games from 3 years ago at 22 fps 480p resolution on your 4K tv?

Those laptops are bigger and like 5x as expensive, so not really.

Enjoy your melted quads.

good games dont age

V3 switches have 6-9 hours of battery life for the past year.

>9x the size
>4x the price


>another "retards feel threatened by a console they've never touched" thread
don't you ever get tired of posting the same garbage over and over and over again?

>"binging" media
kill yourself, consooming faggot

Yeah. The gap between Switch and PS4/Xbone is smaller than the gap between even 3DS and Vita. Or DS and PSP

>2 hours of battery life
yeah 1 hour of battery life is absolutely unusable. half an hour of battery in 2020 is pathetic. whose idea was it to make a console that only works 15 minutes?

I've never seen someone with a switch anywhere outside

>2 hours battery life

Why lie? It lasts up to 6 hours. My PS4 pad is dead after a few hours too. I guess thats shit too. I guess ALL video games are shit OP.

lmao mentally ill.

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I wish Nintendo would stop making shitty gimmick consoles. If you're gonna make a handheld, that's fine, but don't waste half of the production designing shitty meme controllers.

For a 2080 laptop it's more like 8x the price

>6 hours

You're both lying. It's always been just about 4 hours for me.

The updated model and the lite have longer battery lives, but yea the original one died after 2 hours if you played any of the more demanding titles like BoTW or Odyssey

>I've never seen someone with a switch anywhere outside

14 year old babby thinks 'portability' means going down to the swing park lmao

V1 switch.

No pro, no buy.

If you're playing more than 3 hours of video games a day you need help.

>we actually have a handheld console that can run massive open world games like TW3, albeit badly compared to other machines
>people still complain about graphics and performance

Fuck, it feels like only yesterday the most impressive handheld game was Pokemon. Man I used to fantasise about being able to play RE1 and FF7 on the go.

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V1 Botw - 3 hours
V2 botw - 5 hours

V1 - River City Girls - 5 hours
V2 River City Girls - 9 hours

Depends on the game.

The thing is, portable machines are already capable of much more than the switch performance wise. It's just that nintendo wants to keep making shitty gimmicks that cut into the hardware budget, like those meme controllers. They haven't made a proper console since the gamecube, but at least the gimmicks on the DS and Wii were fun and unique enough for the performance to not matter.

>portable machines are already capable of much more than the switch performance wise.

Name one.

Gimmicks are what I like about Nintendo. The joycons and "HD rumble" are admittedly shit but a home console with handheld portability is fucking great, and judging by the massive success of the console I think most people are enjoying that gimmick.

>Blaming the controllers for lack of power
>Calling theme "memes"

It's literally just two wiimotes with rails to attach to the system.

What a fucking retard. The switch isn't more powerful becusse the Tegra X1 chip is the latest chop available by Nvidia in 2016/17. They only announced a newer chip literally the month of Switches release. And Nintendo couldn't make a more powerful system with a $300 price tag.

Im sure you'd be rushing to the store to buy a $799 Nintendo system wouldnt you? Yeah, doubt.

He's going to name $1000 smartphones that aren't capable or designed to run actual legitimate videogames.

I have a V2, longest I've played non-stop was a 5 hour XC2 session, after which I had about 15% battery left.

Sure they are, but the Switch is $300, and has actual first party support unlike ANY other handheld/portable device.

Yeah you can sink $1500 on a gaming laptop and play PC games on the go, but why would you? It's massively inferior, more expensive and more cumbersome than just building a PC. If you're talking about smartphones, well you can just fuck right off.