Phoenix Wright thread

So now that the dust has settled and the series is fucking dead, can we all agree that Von Karma was the best AA waifu?

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No one in this series is a waifu if they weren't directly introduced as one because these are all adults apparently incapable of even thinking of getting laid.

Also, no, it was Iris.

Not even close.

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Someone post that case tier list please

I just finished case 3 of the first game.
What a motherfucking ride.

Get out of the thread right away before you get spoiled.

iris a cute

At what point is sexual intercourse relevant in a game where you solve murders. It would feel too forced if they actually depicted those themes.

She's cute but the only waifu for me is Edgeworth

She sucked. Edgeworth, and Von Karma would occasionally use logic in their rebuttals but hers always came down to proofs or her lame "FOOLISH FOOL MAN".

The AI games are disgustingly overrated, that is all.

Case 4 Investigations Von Karma is the best one. Her armpits were delicious
>but hers always came down to proofs or her lame "baka!"

Which one are you talking about
Best taste ITT

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The next case after that is a slog but even more of a motherfucking ride

Only loli franziska for me boss

She just needed a good dicking and Miles was too gay to do it.

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That isn't Trucy

weird way to represent Ema Skye

It's relevant in any case involving Gumshoe and Maggey since his sole reason for wanting to get her proven not guilty is so he can get laid

Anyone else here really REALLY not like Dual Destinies and think it damages Phoenix's character after Apollo?

Yeah, Trucy's a total babe.

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Maybe because it was my introduction in the AA series but I enjoyed it.

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It damages Pheonix's character and has a lot of other problems, but I like it purely because cases 4 and 5 are great and it has Blackquill


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Understandable and respectable. I just think it lacks the cohesion of the titles before.

DLC case is kino though

Not even the best in JFA

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She's cute and I'm glad she became somewhat relevant again after her trial.

Sorry user, but DD > AJ

Iris is for holding hands


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Apologies arent enough for that user

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