What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?
Clear out your backlog.

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Niggers used to be enslaved at the time when that clothing was used.
How does that work?

That's Aaron Burr, not a slave though

I'll keep my backlog close to my chest.
I'll wait here and see which games will totally blow

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But why is he dressing like a slave-owning white man?

First, it's a stage production, not actually intended to be historically accurate.

Second, that's a military uniform, and slaves did were soldiers, so black people DID actually wear that clothing.
Also there were free black people in colonial America. Just by virtue of not having been sold into slavery, *and* there were several abolitionist laws on the books already by 1776

>American ""education""

I just finished Ultimate DOOM. I started Duke!ZONE II but it's boring as fuck.
Should I try some mods for Doom or should move on to Doom II?

>tfw you threw away your shot

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>mental gymnastics
Ok lad.