Alright Zig Forums

alright Zig Forums
i'm fucking tired, i'm gonna go to sleep and all that shit until i eventually wake up to wallow in my sorrow since im shit at fighting games
how exactly do i fucking improve? my execution for combos are fucking ass, i hate having to dedicate an hour per day for months on end to be "decent" at a single character, just to get shat on by someone that has the reaction time of a ferrofluid reacting to a magnet. i hate the stupid fucking notation in videos trying to explain characters, and i hate the videos themselves because they literally feel like the author went "see and thats how you punish a -10f with around 85 damage, you just need like 18 inputs on the startup and finish with a hcf within 7 frames" while im sitting their wishing i could do half of it.
i fucking hate fighting games and what they represent, i hate the shit balance that some of them have and the directors that mange the games. hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE FUCKING HATE IT ALL

but i come back, i dont know why. i come back and i want to improve but i never feel like i can. man i wish i was good at fighting games.

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a lot of people playing fighting games have been doing it for years. The basics of fightan carry over game to game

This games netcode doesn't create an environment suitable for improving.

play tekken, it requires basically no execution for 90% of the cast

maybe fighting games are not for you and at the same time you're a masochist

Upload some gameplay and I can tell you why you're bad at the game. I don't understand how you can have trouble with combos, they're by far the easiest part of the game, unless we're talking about max damage combos but those are hardly practical.
Also what's wrong with the notation system? It's very simple to learn and honestly makes talking about the game much easier. Would you prefer that people would use the real name for each move? One of Heihachi's strongest move is his right split kick when hit against crouched opponent, which allows him to get an uninterrupted musoi tettsu that will wall splat near the wall. After wall splat you can do one hellsweep into tsunami kick and then end the combo with demon breath.

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Tekken 7 has quite a learning curve. Probably the steepest of any this gen, possibly except for Xrd.

tekken's only learning curve is all the insane amount of gimmicky strings you have to memorize to not get cheaped out

Don't overthink it. People are good because they enjoy the game.

Execution's at least moderately high, there's shitloads of framedata, fairly long combos... besides Xrd I'm not sure anything else is comparable. And at least Xrd has actual tutorials.

Welcome to life.

Unfortunately, this isn't an anime where people like you and I are chosen to be godly at something with no amount of effort put in like some of those out there i.e. people with innate talent. All we can do is strive to be at the level we're at. It's not just fighting games.

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>tfw tgp and everyone on Zig Forums sucks at tekken

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more like cheese

>tfw took the Gigaspill before his buffs

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>Execution's at least moderately high
not at all for most characters
>there's shitloads of framedata
that's what I said
>fairly long combos
majority of the cast has very simple combos

if you don't play lee, geese, a mishitma, or steve, then the game is quite easy to learn and execution is trivial. some characters have one weird thing you need to grind out to maximize their potential like bryan marduk or julia, but even then it's not mandatory at intermediate levels rank

Who is your main, Op? I would recommend hopping characters if you're stuck.

What weird thing does Bryan have that you need to grind out?


why play a character that not only sucks but also has zero chance of being in t8 and is boring as hell?


So what fighter this gen besides Xrd is harder? Not SFV, samsho, DBFZ, GBFV, SC6, MK11, or DOA6. Probably not unist either.

completely unnecessary to his gameplan, and isn't even done by JimmyJ unless he is flexing

Because he's genuinely improved my fundamentals more than any character I've played, and I find him plenty fun. I'm much more interested in a character who feels good to play for me than what the tiers say, which is why I main Necro in 3s.

>completely unnecessary to his gameplan
at intermediate levels, like I said

Started the game and spent a month learning Lee's combos. Now I can do them comfortably but I still can't hold my own in fights. I fought starting with combos would give me some starting tips to do everything else but so far it hasn't
And to be fair I am back to square one whenever I am on player 2 side

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Yeah, but if you're a Bryan main you should be able to do it, or I'll laugh at you. It's like maining Nina and not being able to do iws1 loops even though it's not necessary anymore.

It's a big part of his wall game. Doesn't necessarily have to be a taunt into b+4, but use something like taunt into df+1,1.. instead and your opponent is forced to stay on the ground since taunt beats tech rolling. Sooner or later you're going to want to learn it.

Noobs are the only ones that say this shit. Taunt jet upper is not at all necessary even to play bryan at a high level, only the absolute cream of the crop do this. And even then it's only in open tech trap scenarios, which you can replace with easier shit. At a high level, 99% of the time you're going to be taunting, it'll be when you have the opponent trying to get up at the wall, in which case it's a thousand times easier and more optimal to do b4 into jet upper.

Other than taunt setups, bryan is just kind of overall finnicky which is why people say he's hard to play. Weird combos, timing, inputs, and most of all his kbd can't be done with a qcb.

tekken has always been a bloated decrepit mess of a fighting game and it's only gotten worse now that they continue to stuff it with gimmicks like comeback supers, 2D characters, and characters that are just broken like the last 2 DLC characters

tekken 8 needs to start fresh from the ground up instead of continuing to build off the same 13 year old foundation

Taunt jet upper is a meme but you should be able to do taunt b4.

Nigga, there's a million other characters that have better fundamentals, rely more on them, and offer better rewards for them. If you set out to play a shit-tier characters, suit yourself I guess, but gigas is the only character in tekken that's arguably unviable.

>Stuck in brown ranks because I refuse to lab the shit that's costing me games (not punishing retards spamming hell sweeps etc.)
I always mean to set time aside to lab but whenever I get on I just want to play matches and have some fun.

tekken is a chore to lab, moreso than any other fighting game. doesn't help that the lab tools are complete shit

I play Gigas like i would be playing Bryan.

Lee is a high effort/low reward character, you play him to style on niggas

This is why I love tekken, it filters the brainlets so the community will never be filled to the brim with normie shit like smash or league.

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Who do you recommend I pick up then? I took Gigas to Vanquisher, which for me is pretty good. I tried Marduk but he feels odd, I don't like the Kings. The only other two characters I really enjoy are Claudio and Julia.

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>he thinks tekken is a secret snowflake game that normalfags don't play

>low reward
I wouldn't go that far, the character is still pretty good despite being difficult. It's just that he relies a lot more on pokes and keepout without having as much round-stealing potential.

Odd take, I play a variety of fighting games but Tekken is the only one I've ever managed to snare my normie friends into playing long term. They won't even play SF, let alone shit like Melty/Guilty/KoF, but Tekken they've been playing for months now.

Normalfags who don't get filtered by it suck dick at it and will never get better because it takes encyclopedic knowledge and a fuckton of experience to be even decent at.

>it takes encyclopedic knowledge and a fuckton of experience
not really, you can mash your way to red ranks

Play whoever you want, find out what playstyle you like and choose a character (or characters) based on that. Not saying you shouldn't play gigas, but I've always thought that playing a character just because they're either shit or unpopular was kind of retarded.

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Believe me, I don't play him because he's shit, I'd still play him if they buffed him into top tier tomorrow. Like I say, it's all about what meshes with me, I don't play a character because they're good, shit, popular or unpopular, I just play what feels right unless there's a character who exists solely to ruin the enjoyment of the other player, win or lose, then I'll play them every time.

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>red ranks
I said it takes encyclopedic knowledge and a fuckton of experience to be even *decent* at.

Keyword decent

Red ranks in season 2 and 3, and even purple ranks, are awful, because they're the equivalent of season 1 yellow and orange. Season 1 genbu was considered "decent." You can only consider yourself decent when you get to blue now, where the rank inflation objectively stops and you actually need a >50% winrate to climb.

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