Mankind Divided

What went wrong?

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They planned to turn it into a multimedia franchise but then Square Enix pulled the plug on the idea toward the end of development because they were negotiating with Marvel for licensed games.
The result is that the game starts off an episodic arc that will never be concluded, SE basically stopped marketing it after the Augment Your Preorder fiasco and the microtransaction shop they snuck in at the last minute destroyed word of mouth (Jim Sterling alone turned a bunch of people off it on this point).
The game itself is basically the same as the first prequel, with some improvements but a pretty dull story and lacking optimization. Worth a playthrough for people who liked Human Revolution.

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Mechanical Apartheidā„¢

Square Enix, otherwise amazing game

This guy is right

But also I couldn't get over the just horrible slip-n-slide controls and poor frame rate issues present on both PC and PS4. Did make me go back and replay HR tho

I wish sqeenix would sell the ip to someone competent

>poor frame rate issues

Post specs. Ran fine on 1440p high/very high with a 1070.


They refined the gameplay of Human Revolution only to get fucked over by a greedy publisher.
Tale as old as the gaming industry itself.

the only reason I want cyberpunk to succeed is the small chance square might reconsidering finishing the game.

poor story
poor characters
poor setpieces
poor hub and lack of hub variety
poor choice of IRL politics to adapt
the new powers all feel fucking stupid and too over the top. like the designers were just telling themselves "it's the sequel! we have to kick things up a notch!!"

the gameplay is still okay, Jensen is cool, I still had some fun with it but it lacks the kind of creative spark that made DX and HR great

lacks a third of a game, at the very least

My PC can't run it so it's shit.

I'd throw in that it added so little to Human Revolution besides a graphics upgrade it was kind of shocking. They wasted five whole years developing what felt like a cheap one year same-engine sequel to Human Revolution. It still had the fucking cutscene takedowns of all things.

Them not finishing the game for starts.
Also getting rid of the fantastic aesthetic of black and gold for gray,
Also Europe wasn't as interesting as Detroit and Hong Kong
Also not having the story carry off from the last one and having this entire story have pretty much no effect on the narrative overall.

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>Also getting rid of the fantastic aesthetic of black and gold for gray,
that was kino though, moving from the golden age to the downfall of civilization shown in the original

I really did not enjoy the aug shithole. The faction base above was larger than the entire rest of the location, but there was fucking nothing there so I apparently wasted my time. That's basically how I felt most of the game, I wasted my time doing anything that wasn't rushing the next way point.
The data back was nice, but completely pointless until the story mission. The characters on your team were written out of your way as soon as the tutorial ended, talking to them did nothing but piss them off. Couldn't even do anything with the secrets you learn, it was like reading a wiki. The hub was cut off with nonsense design, fake doors everywhere, was obviously built to stealth around but that didn't happen until the very end. Once you got poisoned by the boss guy, it felt like it was just a series of ideas which I liked, but no cohesion. The hints the mask guys took over the security was so much better than illuminati bitching.

There's elements of a fucking great deus ex game everywhere. Too bad you weren't allowed to play it.

Blade bank dlc was fun.

It's quite short and poorly optimised. It has some great art direction its hubs and can be comfy.

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>What went wrong?
Exactly those same things as with thi4f, since it was made by those same people. It completely shits on Deus Ex gameplay design, themes, retcons it's story and lore and was full of jewish marketing tricks and preorder bullshit

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This sloth faced nigger is what went wrong

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microtransactions and blm shit

all the characters in this game are shit except Bob Page because he's so blatantly evil

Many things, first the game indulges in the cinematic garbage that HR had, now you can cinematic takedown tons of people at the same time, takedown from corners, now there's an aug that you shoot and put to sleep like 5 targets at the same time. The game feels like it wants to give you very little input, cause lots of those new additions make it braindead easy and automated to play through.

The writing in it and HR are really subpar compared to the original and even Invisible War had better writing, the whole aug racism (and yes they use the word "racism" in MD) parallel is badly done and feels forced, there's a lot of incoherent shit that would take lengthy posts to explain.

The last boss is just a shitty henchman and there's the issue that it's hard to create intrigue in a prequel, unless you retcon the original which is a move done by faggot hack frauds.

There's also a certain lack of attention to detail. For example there are NPCs in Prague that you do side missions and get to know better, suddenly there's a curfew in the entire place, I enter the bar again and the bartender says the same shit as before, in DX talking to your contacts and getting to know what's going on at the moment was a thing.

so thereĀ“s no sequel? its gonna be HL3?

yes, but it's a prequel anyway so it's not like it matters that much

>augs are black people!!!
Most hamhanded way they could have approached the issue, also probably the most inadvertently offensive thing a major studio has done in recent memory.

She cute though

Not bad, definitely unworthy of the DX brand, and it lacks an actual ending. Has there been any discussion as to why it just suddenly stops at some point?

I liked the main game. Didn't play the dlc because I hate how they implemented it.
I predict they'll make a new one once they see how much money Cyberpunk will make.

Nothing, the game is great.

nothing, it's better than human revolution and invisible war

because the actual plot was meant to span multiple games

>tfw one of the few people that played The Fall

Yes, the graphics are subpar (it's a port of a mobile game), yes, you can't even jump, yes, the aiming is weird, yes, it is very short. But it's still a Deus Ex game.

Obviously, but I've never seen it done it that badly, as if they've just run out of money or time.

The publisher. Fuck Square Enix

Making a game with a shitty unsatisfactory ending is a problem, you can have a trilogy without having to make any sort of conclusion, without giving certain closures even in the first game, without saying a "haha buy our next game to find out what any of this was about", which is dick move.

This, Square Enix is one of the worst game companies of all time.

I played some of the PC port since I got it in a bundle and it felt like HR but completely gutted. Having to buy ammo through a magical ingame store is a shitty design choice.