ITT: Bland and Soulless games
ITT: Bland and Soulless games
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Anime artstyle is so generic
As usual OP is a raging homo
Cope Trails fag.
Based, fuck Kiseki and its rabid autistic fanboys
ys is the most braindead basic bitch boring shit ever and trails is a run of the mill weeb jrpg series
falcom shit is incredibly soulless and overrated
Here is an undeniable one.
t. joshua
fuck off even your writer called you an embarassment
Fuck you, CS1 is the only one in its arc that isn't bland nor soulless. It's all true for CS2 though.
>get btfo in the other thread
>have to make a new one
haha... thats our butthurt autistic senhater
the entire episode 1 of cold steel has as much substance as the first village incident in xenogears.
falcucks actually believe this
Seriously, I don't know people really love or really hate this series
falcom games just attract really fucking annoying shitposters but for the most part their fans like the games, yes even cold steel and party ys
Personally I only liked CS1.
Played CS2 because wanted to see the ending, but it was massively padded and I just wanted it to fucking end for 30 hours.
Now I am onto CS3 because I was curious to see the changes to the battle system more than anything.
this game got forgotten fast af on Zig Forums
Am I supposed to like Alisa, Falcom? Because you are doing a good job at making me want to pick literally any other girl, even her maid.
CS1 wasn't great in the looks or mechanics department, but it was much better written than it had to be. I liked it.
A lot of people hate her but she's still the most popular girl in both the West and especially in Japan.
>"Hey, let's make the game look like anime" - Trails of Cold Steel development team
What visionary creatives.
Mechanics aren't bad though
Literally how. Even when she stops being a bitch, she's still not so interesting. I guess she's hot, but so are other girls.
Agreed, not bad, I enjoyed the battles and getting to know everyone. I meant the system was unimaginative.
Call this soulless, I dare you.
man cold steel 1 actually had a good ost
what the fuck happened, cs3 and 4's osts are so fucking bad
Different composer. CS2 also gets a pretty good regular battle theme.
>Pink hair
>Thigh highs
Muh dick
And she's also a very nice and smart class president. Emma is definitely one of the best girls.
And the story is shit and cringe
i thought that cold steel was soulless until i played tokyo xanadu
that game taught me what soulless truly is
Agreed, trails is such a shit series
better than ys
more like pYs of shit LMAO
It's funny how a mediocre and bland game like CS has so many shills just because a forced meme
its funny how the ip count didnt change after this post
Singa got put in charge of like every battle and boss soundtrack, and his tracks are (mostly) terrible. Unisuga still tried hard to carry CS3/4, such as making fantastic ambient themes of Ordis and Leeves or the great CS4 battle theme, but it's not nearly enough when 70% of the soundtrack is Singa's synth vomit.
Whole thread has been just the seething falcomcuck mad at coldsteel
Only the
>I don't know, lets just put neon light strips on everything, that makes it look like ancient tech right? Just put neon strips on all the floors and walls. Make sure they're orange and teal.
part. The rest of BotW is pretty rad.
Final Fantasy VII
Both are shit. Falcom doesn't make video games, they make shovelware