What does Zig Forums think of pic related?

What does Zig Forums think of pic related?

Attached: thoguthsd.jpg (2696x1517, 491.98K)

It’s alright.

I’m glad it has co op even though it’s not full campaign co op.

Don't know, haven't got my free copy yet


Watch Dawg: Look At That Negro Go is an improvement on the series which is a bit like saying solid shit is an improvement on diarrhea.

kys ubishill


Something to add to the library for free and never play.

We wuz hackerz and sheeiitt

It's fun. The gameplay's a blast and the first fucking thing that happens after the tutorial is making you go to a clothing store so you don't have to dress like a skinny jeans wearing hipster faggot. I swear to almighty Christ if there weren't regular fucking clothes in that game I was going to return it. The rest of the game is "fuck with everything, it's hilarious", and if you're into that it's great. Don't go in expecting deep intricate story or anything.
