Post yfw you've never once in your entire life broken a controller or gotten violent...

Post yfw you've never once in your entire life broken a controller or gotten violent, or even shouted at someone near you, due to having a hard time in a video game

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I hit myself on the head screaming 'STUPID, STUPID, STUPID'
is that ok?

It's just not something I got very worked up about a lot.

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>Lose to Launch Octopus in the end boss rush when he has one sliver of health on my last life
>Loudly exhale
Do people really get more bothered than that?

I probably squeezed a controller fairly hard once

well you seem to already have some form of brain damage, so i suppose nothing is lost by bashing yourself on the melon

I sometimes slightly raise my voice at myself and say shit like "Yeah of course why wouldn't that happen?" but I've never once damaged a piece of equipment.

I own a PS4. It's impossible to not beat up a failing controller when it's only three weeks old.

i jumped out of a 2nd story window because i got so angry at losing in League of Legends and now I cannot walk.

why would i do that

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