Monster Hunter


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Other urls found in this thread:

>get fed up of retarded randoms ruining every attempt
>actually solo him on second attempt
>finally I can do the event quest with people who aren't retarded
>lol no everyone is a brainlet here too
I can't fucking believe there are people MR200+ who haven't figured out you can augment armor for more defense or haven't got Health augment on their weapons.

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Kneel, RAWcucks.

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>another 25 mr before i can upgrade decent weapons
This is bullshit

Can some pccheater post ice barrioth weapons/armor stats and skills?

Frostfang Barioth Alpha+ (R11) (1-piece Punishing Draw, 3-piece Slugger Secret)
Helm A: Crit Eye 2, Quick Sheath 1, L.3 slot, L.2 slot, L.1 slot
Mail A: Attack Boost 3, Crit Draw 1, L.3 slot, L.2 slot
Vambraces A: Crit Eye 2, Slugger 2, L.2 slot x2
Coil A: Quick Sheath 1, Crit Draw 1, L.3 slot x2, L.1 slot
Greaves A: Attack Boost 1, Slugger 3, L.1 slot x2

Beta+ (R11)
Helm B: Crit Eye 2, L.4 slot, L.2 slot, L.1 slot
Mail B: Attack Boost 3, L.4 slot, L.2 slot
Vambraces B: Crit Eye 2, L.4 slot x2
Coil B: Quick Sheath 1, L.4 slot, L.3 slot, L.1 slot
Greaves B: Attack Boost, L.4 slot x2

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>slugger secret
Mhe, also, i hope you don't need tickets for the armor too. I heard the fight is fun but doing it 20 times just for the armor sound a bit too much

So it's basically a set for people who just finished IB campaing and need something for alatreon?