Blue Lions is the best route in 3H and the best that Fire Emblem has been in 20 years.
Blue Lions is the best route in 3H and the best that Fire Emblem has been in 20 years
Stupid OP.
You have to post Edelgard if you want any replies.
Not when Conquest exists.
Conquest is garbage and barely even a fire emblem game
Pair up is such a shit mechanic
nope WRONG
Fuck you
Getting this game instead of paper mario now that we know it's a dud like we all thought. Redpill me on this character. The sheer amount of butthurt she causes on Zig Forums leads me to believe she is in the right.
>the best that Fire Emblem has been in 20 years.
imagine actually thinking this
Pair up needed refining a little more but it was largely fine in conquest
I agree OP, now let me say this:
dimitri good
edelnerd bad
She plunges the continent into a war because her rapists told her religion is bad
wasn't it absolutely bonkers broken in awakening
Hey, I'm playing through my second route of three houses.
Can anyone explain how people don't hate Byleth?Both ingame and out of it? It's one thing to have a generic personality as an MC, that makes sense for the type of game this is, but Byleth is canonically autistic and deadpan with no emotion. He's an absolutely horrendous protagonist because he's not even an avatar for the player, he's an established character and yet there's absolutely nothing going on with him. The game tries to set up some mystery with his age when that barely even matters and any common sense tells you he's around 21. The most interesting thing about him was Sothis being inside of him but she just dies a third into the story to get Byleth out of a plot device dimension, making her barely a character despite being in all the promo material.
Next up, it doesn't make any sense that people like Byleth in universe because everyone mentions how deadpan he is. How can anyone like a character who responds to everything with a single, emotionless sentence and doesn't change expression? It takes me out of it to see everyone riding his dick so hard, a conversation with him seems like talking to a wall and I bet he'd be an extremely boring teacher too.
Lastly, how can anyone who played this game like Byleth? I keep seeing fanart of both the male and female and it doesn't make any sense. He's the worst thing about the game by a huge margin.
Someone, anyone, please explain how this character isn't reviled. I think there's a lot to like about FE:TH but Byleth is connected to all of it and inherently drags the entire experience down because he himself makes no fucking sense.
Well yeah, that’s why I said in conquest. In awakening the enemy couldn’t use it and it allowed stupid shit like 16 attacks in one turn. Fates made everything more consistent instead of percent chances and allowed the enemy to use it. My only problem with it is the defensive stance was still a little too powerful because it completely negated attack stance.
She's a weird commie nationalist who has a fanbase of LGBT crossposters from twitter
She's the yasss kween slay character despite being wrong about everything so simps and trannies flock to her
tranny here
i'm much more of a claude fangirl if anything
3H bad because Anna got fucked over so hard
not even a goddamn support
Dimitri is also the only ruler that lets everybody decide how the government works instead of forcing people to subscribe to his beliefs
If you support Claude you're californian and if you support Edelgard you're probably a member of antifa or the chinese communist party
She's antifa personified
for me, it is Hilda
The Golden Chads have arrived. It seems that the two insane monarchs are arguing again, typical.
Currently playing 3H for the first time. Decided to choose lions despite their acronym (BL) sounding a bit suspicious.
Is there anything I should know?
Crimson Flower is the best route. Reptilians deserve the axe.
don't pretend for a second that otomefags are even remotely as bad as edeltrannies lol
I'm a GDfag and I still hate edeltard
>spergs out and genocides a race to create her own gestapo and dictatorship
okay chang
In terms of story sure. I would rather play Conquest though because 3H is kinda boring gameplay.
Dedue is boring as fuck in BL, and in general. He is only cool when he shows up to avenge Dimitri or turns into a crest beast. Prove me wrong.
Fuck skill emblem.
All 3D games look way worse than the 2D games
I recently finally finished VW as my final playthrough, and I gotta say, It's my favorite route. Claude is my favorite lord and I like how it deals with most of the overarching plot better than the other routes. Dimitri is still cool though.
Play as a female or things get homo with Dimitri.
Ironically, there's only one gay and she's from the Empire.
i played BL first too and it gave me a really bad impression of the game. i thought it focused way too much on Dimitri coping with his emotional temper tantrums and largely avoids talking about the current political situation and historical context that lead up to the conflict in the first place. it wasn't until i played the other routes that i realized BL really bends over backwards to make the other lords and characters dumb and unreasonable to make Dimitri look like a competent leader.
>Claude is the ultimate schemer
>Church losers come up with the same exact plans as him
How does he do it?
You can sid with ONE abd only ONE, choose carefully.
>it wasn't until i played the other routes that i realized BL really bends over backwards to make the other lords and characters dumb and unreasonable to make Dimitri look like a competent leader.
The lords are all consistent characters in Verdant Wind, Silver Snow and Azure Moon. It's only in Crimson Flower that they become completely different people.
You're also missing the point of Azure Moon to begin with, it's a character driven route instead of a lore route. You're not supposed to play it first. You're supposed to do Silver Snow or Verdant Wind and THEN Azure Moon.
Literally no one likes Byleth, even fucking Corrin is better
How do you like Claude? I found him and his story by far the worst one.
>even fucking Corrin is better
don't even fucking joke about that, Byleth may be as bland as a bag of oatmeal Corrin will always be the fucking worst
>Can anyone explain how people don't hate Byleth?
Dunno. I just really like his catchphrase during battles "Let the lesson begin" when he crits the enemies
>people told me this before my first playthrough
>pfft yeah right probably just fujoshitters
>"Your hands... Have they always been this warm?"
>implying /ourguy/ Zephiel wouldn't also follow the path of loli dragon domination
>he doesn't hold hands with his homie
How ironic is it that the best chapter in CF is the only one where Dimitri is in it? Tailtean plains is the only unique map in CF, captures the feeling of a desperate Kingdom army fighting to their last perfectly, and has great level of ambiance and emotion that is not present in an otherwise unfinished route. If you ignore Edelgard's retarded ramblings I would argue that this chapter is the best in 3H.
I don't care what anybody says about CF, Field of Revenge is pure fucking kino and really lets you play the role of the villain.