What are some good horror games in which you have no ways to defend yourself against the enemy?

What are some good horror games in which you have no ways to defend yourself against the enemy?

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Starcraft2 ladder

Why doesn't she just dodge roll?

What are some good horror games that deserve an anime adaption way more than smug tits?

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what's the name of that? i forgot


Because that would lead to something gruesome. The manga is about a girl who can see ghosts, who often scare the shit out of her and creep her out, like appearing under her covers as she's trying to go to sleep, but will not actually do anything to her as long as she doesn't acknowledge them. So she stays as poker-faced as possible while trying to not piss herself in fear from the horrific monstrosities that haunt her everyday life that almost nobody else seems to see, as she wishes she was ordinary.

Isn't the story to this something like how only the girl can see these horrifying spirits but they're all friendly/harmles, so she has to try and not freak out when she's just trying to go through school normally?

What are some games with wave mechanics?

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>but they're all friendly/harmless,
She's been attacked before because she acknowledged them. In the OP pic for example.

man this is pretty long

This is the only time I've been jumpscared by a manga

>no ways to defend yourself against the enemy

That's a walking simulator, not a horror game.

The english paper version of the manga is coming soon for those interested.

And Alien Isolation. You can defend yourself against the humains/androids but not the alien

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So does anything actually happen in this manga or is it just SoL with monsters standing around in the background?

There seems to be some sort of mystery developing, but its pretty slow going so far.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories, kinda. You can still run from them and using environment to block their way, but it's mostly running.

I'm a bit sad it was spoiled for me, but it was literally what made me pick it up.

Huh, I don't remember this chapter.

Not necessarily. You could add stealth mechanics, puzzles, and maybe sanity management for it to be a proper game.
Haunting Grounds is a good example of a horror game where you can't defend yourself.

so what if she just regards one existing? it magically makes her explode into blood and nobody around her understands what just happened?

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Sanity is a shit mechanic though.

It attacks her, but otherwise yes.

Basically. If a strong enough one knows she can see it, it'll attack her and like in OP image. To everyone who can't see the ghosts she looks like she just got sliced in half by invisible wire or something.

Feel free to call it shit but I've always wanted a sanity mechanic that's in the game but never mentioned or explained but your character ends up seeing shit like a ghastly face in the window far away or a shadow in the corner that scurries away fast so you never know if you're facing some looming threat or not. Bonus if there's a monster in the game that shares those traits to keep the player on his toes

Like most Manga the author only thought about the initial idea and is milking sol content until he figures out where he wants to take the series

So if one is standing directly in front of her blocking her line of sight, if she tried looking over or past it would that be acknowledging it?

Isn't Amnesia and Outlast what you're mainly looking for?

But you could easily do all that without making it a mechanic. You can even sorta randomize it a bit making a ton of those events but making so you only see a handful in each play through with which ones you see being determined at the start of a new game.

Yep. If one is right in front of her face she has to pretend it's not there, or make an effort to move in a way that's not obviously trying to look around the ghost.

A lot of ghosts and demons get their power from being directly acknowledged. The more scared you are the stronger they get.

so now that she's used up her three chances, whats gonna happen next?

hell night


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Your defense against the monster in amnesia is just crouching in a corner. Literally piss easy and boring as hell. Nu-Zig Forums horror in a nutshell


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It's Japanese writing bro. Don't think about it too hard-the writer didn't.

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This manga is about Schizophrenia right

she had protection fairy
had because now she wants her soul or something similar

No, as she's not the only one who can see the ghosts.

Is her friend dead? I would like to know before picking this up.

Ghosts fuck off. Also, just play Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

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this, that was great