DLSS chads we won yet again

DLSS chads we won yet again

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why aren't eceleb marketers banned? if someone is interested in your shit then they've already subscribed most likely and know that there's new video without you making thread here.. stop posting . go to twitter or somewhere to market your videos.

how are DF ecelebs you retard they literally make analysis videos for video games so you dont buy a shitty port

tfw bought a 1070 at launch

it's fine but I kind of missed out on a longer period of not buying a gpu. it seems like any RTX card will be fine for this entire generation, presuming all games use DLSS(they probably won't)

Nah nvidia will make sure that Turing cards will suck.

I dunno what that means, the 2xxx series? I can see that happening.

holy cope

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I know Zig Forums isn't the most intelligent place on the internet but I'd at least expect you dumb motherfuckers to not be THIS naive

Gonna play 144 capped at 4k quality DLSS mode downscaled to 1440p.
AMDfags btfo