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Video Games
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Video Games #5169
Video Games
Risk of Rain
Would you let Mayday bunka, junka and bam in your face?
He's against piracy but buys used games
Let's all be honest here, this game is fucking ass
Where's the games?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday After Dark
Dragon Dogma
This is the power of.... Nvidia
I just finished this game. what did you think of it Zig Forums?
PS4 and Xbox One
Fun Dream Fighter Thread
TLDR faggot delays his shitty anime game again
It's happening, again
Non-horror game has horror segment
ITT: Games with god tier aesthetics
This is mercy from overwatch 2
At what point does the game become exciting enough to not want to turn it off? I got off the boat...
Bros, roommate got Covid and work sent me home for two weeks. what should I play?
2nd game is the worst in the trilogy and completely tarnishes the good name of said trilogy
CS4 expectations?
Why can't zoomers handle fast movement and looking up?
They removed the noose spray from Overwatch. Stunning and brave!
Robot Girls Thread
Shoot bullet sponge enemies
Any other games that revolve around the protagonist trying to save a loved one from a curse?
What are some of your favorite childhood game
343 to remove the "Master" in "Master Chief"
I have the feeling that Silksong will be twice as big as the first game
Game has one overpowered character that invalidates all others
*is the best sweaty FPS in your path*
Why is the Extraverse so disliked by fatefags?
Persona 5 was a mistake
What the Zig Forums version of this?
Why is it so much worse than the first game?
Sakurai said ARMS and Xenoblade 2 got cut from Smash's base roster due to being released too late
With the news of the Anime, we know that the time of the announcemnt of the sequel draws extremely near...
Why is he such a good mascot?
Why does Europe end up looking like a disgusting blob of colors no matter what I do?
What anime does Zig Forums like?
What do you want from BOTW 2?
Time to confess
ITT: We post switch ports that weren't marred by incompetence, I'll start
Nearly twenty years
What games feature the best rats?
Who's next?
When's Sony going to give people what they want?
Will PC gaming ever replicate its golden age that was 1998-2002?
Death Stranding has very positive reviews
Was it a good game?
Intellivision Amico
Decade old game sells 500k on PC
It's incredible how this and Stadium 2 are still top notch in terms of content, presentation and just overall fun...
What went wrong?
Remember fun?
3x3 thread? Just finished replaying Yoshi's Island and I didn't remember liking it this much...
Hentai Thread
Say it with me, Zig Forums
Oh fuck
Nintendo should take the Steam pill
Was it the right decision?
Game is shit on Zig Forums and not allowed to say anything positive about it for 8 months
ITT: games you thought you'd hate but ended up loving
Name a sadder scene in any game. I'll wait
Looking back, this game was actually pretty kino
Your friend is the final boss
What does it do that Ultimate doesn't?
Why is PS2 emulation so shit?
Remake is worse than original game
Unpopular vidya opinions thread. I'll start:
Ubisoft open world games
Dragons Dogma Anime
What actually went so wrong?
What the fuck is her appeal?
If this game just had Minecrafts infinite world generation...
Play azur lane
Why aren't you playing Monster Hunter?
JRPGs are not rpgs
Why would you ever pick this weapon
Earbuds are vastly superior if headphones can cause semi-permanent formation like this. Wouldn't you agree...
Kshh kshh kshh kshh kshh kshh kshh kshh kshh
Is it a JRPG?
Thoughts on Silent Hill Shattered Memories?
Death Stranding released the same day as Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Games where you deal with harassment and oppression
Why don't you have a job in localization user?
Hope you've got at least an 6c/12t CPU for next gen, anons, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time
How can the other final fantasy games compete
This game is monotonous
Monster Hunter
Shmup thread
Assassin's Creed
The great debate
Do you have any physical resemblance to your favorite video game characters? Maybe even just fashion-wise...
Will the anime return help give Bleach a good videogame?
Play metal gear rising revengeance
Why is this game getting shilled so hard and Zig Forums is just accepting it...
BURY ME WITH MY Sunset Riders thread
Your top 3 PS2 games:
What's the most impressive custom level made from level editor in any game?
What is the best Ace Combat game and why is it Zero?
Do you agree?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Go to download Death Stranding
Its definitely worth buying. i would say that this is one of the most enjoyable games ive played this year
I mean, they're not wrong. It's not like I'm a shame of being a coomer
X is overpowered
Tfw your wife is an ex prostitute
Dragon's Dogma Anime
So is Nintendo just pretending that this game and PM64 just never existed, or what?
Does anyone else think that it is messed up that Velvet kidnaps a random kid and named him after her dead brother?
Revenge is a fools game
This is unironically one of the most disappointing releases this year
What went so wrong?
Who is the best girl in king of fighters?
Old hag
Are gacha games real video games?
OST Thread. Post 'em
FPS thread
Digimon Thread
Horror video games need to take a page out of sports games lmao
FF Experts enlighten me
Which do you have in your gaming rig?
The last of us
HONESTLY? Same lmfao
Anti/No anxiety games
Game is fun with friends
Game has uncanny characters
Be obsidian
Are you building something in the Minecraft Thread user?
Why didn't they just take Sojiro and Sae into the metaverse for ten seconds so they could understand?
How the fuck does a game from 2007 still look so good? Is art style really that important lads?
Itt we post things that immediately make you drop a game
Oh man you guys ever seen the shmup threads on /vr/? Fucking awful
First new half life game in over a decade
Rage quit
Was it worth it, Zig Forumsros?
Ghost of Tsushima
Quick, what game has your favorite visual style? Pic related
You know he deserves it
"don't do that"
Are you going to play their game user?
Which was the best?
Are you ready, Zig Forums for ETHICS to hit your videogame industry?
Old Video Game Magzanies
I seriously don't understand the appeal. Grow up
What is your Game of the Year so far?
Why the fuck was the Die-Hardman thread deleted? Fuck off jannies let us talk about Death Stranding you idiots
Flash is dying soon. Play a flash game today
Games that seem impossible
Board Game Online thread
In august it will be my 30th birthday, and I will spend it alone
OMg SO eMOtiOnAL!1!
Post gaming accomplishments during quarantine
Did 30 year old boomers live in the golden age of gaming?
Halo 3 PC thread
*Saves WRPGs*
Admit it
Have the creative freedom to create literally anything
Playing paladins
6gb vram when you need 8 minimum
I know I need help! I know I'm broken! I don't need you to tell me that! It's written on everybody's face...
ITT: Games with cat friends
Why are you excited about an AssCreed game in 2020?
What exactly went wrong?
Is DEX more important than STR?
Which one is going to be in Fighter Pass 2?
Sly! *sniff* jump and press the circle button!
I'm finally done with FFXV, what a shitshow, rushed and unfinished
Everyone says all Far Cry games are the same shit with different paint but no one ever provides any ideas how to...
Death Stranding
Is there a way to stop the cancel culture from ruining devs's lives?
Why do critics hate the game to the left but worship the game to the right?
It's fun
Here's your p5 bro
Woah, gamers are so smart
Ubisoft is applying a literal police state shit into their game
Why does Bowser never kidnap Daisy?
Silent Hill
Admit it, there was no real reason for them to join the Horde other than to even out the faction balance
Which game had worse writing, Fallout 4 or Fallout 3?
Every day is just rolling the dice for bad RNG
PC bros are being as based as ever
It's a bone chilling slow burn you wouldn't get it bro stick to Fortnite
ITT: good collector's editions
What does Zig Forums think of Rean?
South Park 64
Flop Delivery Simulator
Claim your fortnitefu before its too late
Why did Nintendo stop funding Star Fox games? People still want furry, space shooters if Rift Apart is any indicator
This was the beginning of the end
Who does stadia even appeal to anyway?
The thing is, XBC2 was too successful for them not to go full anime again...
Kojima says he invented the strand genre
Let's continue writting our grettings for this lovable individual
What would you want out of a Kamen Rider game?
Dragon Quest XI
Backlog Thread
Wasted my college years taking STEM courses I had no aptitude for
Comfy Switch Thread
Heroes of the Storm
Games women will never understand
What tier is she in smash bros?
Is this the first time a remake has actually had soul?
Anyone getting bad performance on AMD?
Let's write a letter to YandereDev expressing our undying love for his project one word at a time
Has localization ever made a character/game better?
LOL u mad PS4 fags? Us PC gamers get all the games
Will you be playing Yandere Simulator?
Paper Mario meme
Minecraft Zig Forums server
P3 has the best cast BY FAR
Lego NES, that looks kind of neat
Good videogame
This is the most powerful being in the touhou games
So PC faggots get this game while having never supported the series but PS4 users get nothing? Fuck Atlus
Sony made a nationalist game
Where you sourced all your games when you were a kid?
Does spyro 3 really deserve to be regarded as the worst of the original trilogy?
How do you take your coffee, Zig Forums?
What was your opinion on F.E.A.R
Frisk smash bros leak
He plays offline
Game has romance
I7 4790k
FACT: Wood Elves are the most powerful race on Nirn
Im done shilling this hot piece of garbage
Post best games from their respective franchise
Does Zig Forums have a gamer themed mask?
Best gex
Game has breast size slider
Do fighting games need "difficult" command inputs or they should all have simple inputs like qcf/qcb or even just input...
DLSS 2.0 is unbelievable, literally alien technology
I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077 and I don't give a rat's ass what you think, Zig Forums
So is YandereSim dead too?
Final Fantasy will never ever have a character designer as good as Amano ever again
How do we save the horror genre?
Why are there no games that focus on actual pregnancy
This is a 17 year old japanese spirit medium
Warhammer Fantasy Thread
MGS : I’m still mad
Did you work on your game today user?
I finished P4G with both true and golden ending
What ruined DMC 5?
Do you consider the Game Boy Color to be a "separate" console from the Game Boy? Why or why not?
Grind the same area until level 98
Mario Lore Thread
Play fighting games
He got a point you know
God what is it about this bitch that gets my dick so fucking hard fuuuuuuuuuuuck
What's the hardest puzzle in a video game?
How the FUCK do i play this game
Best Zig Forums comics
Games must be about minorities in order to be eligible for BAFTA award
You'll go down in history as the most incompetent and retarded game developer AS WELL AS programmer in the entire...
Mario Sunshine was a downgrade compared to Mario 64 and the worst 3D Mario to date
What's the Zig Forumserdict?
Games with Yoko Onos that ruin male friendships and get away with it?
How can you be scared of something you can't imagine?
RTS thread
What's your favorite RPG maker game?
That guy on discord with the mechanical keyboard constantly hotmicing
E's sygehk drec drnayt eh Al Bhed du vemdan uid dra vykkudc, lyciymc yht zyhheac...
Ghost of Kinoshima
Any good gacha lately?
This is undeniably the best Pokemon game released throughout the series' lifespan
Why does this game feel unnecessarily difficult...
How can we save WoW?
How do we stop the current wave of furgin pandering in vidya?
It's a "everyone misses at 70%+ chances to hit" turn
Kojima finally addresses poor DS sales
When did you realize Oblivion is the best elder scrolls?
I just realized that this dude had to learn to use inverted thumbsticks to play like this from the bathroom
Dokkan Battle
Foxhole thread!! Last night i fought over a bridge for 6 hours. Its still contested but we wrecked some armored cars
Worms Armageddon
We want the Furry audience
AoE DE 2
What are some good gacha games?
The death of good box art is finally here, thanks Xbox
What does vee think about yuri in vidya?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Monster Girl Quest
A black guy invented the console cardtridge and the pause button
What's stopping you from playing Shin Megami Tensei:if
Post games that fit this opinion
Underrail thread
Why do weebs hate this game so much?
Is this the new Super Crown? She's just Ratchet with ear rings, I don't understand the appeal
Amy Rose is the cutest and most precious video game female of all time. You cannot refute this
Here's the price
Friends of Mineral Town Remake
Hat Kid!
Japanese-language performances don't line up with character mouth movements, creating a jarring disconnect
Now that the quarantine 2 it’s about to start what games did you save for it?
Cyberpunk 2077 delayed AGAIN !!!
Looks like a good vidya game
Game is secretly a horror game
Which difficulty is the least retarded for a first playthrough?
250+ games tierlist
Resubbing wow
Farcry 6
ITT: Post a game character who's SLIGHTLY more powerful than the one above it
Is it fun?
FF Ashe is
Halo 3 PC Thread? Halo 3 PC thread
You fucking retards. There's much more than just delivering shit...
How do we stop tall grass “”””””””stealth””””””””” mechanics in modern video games?
Donkey kong thread
Monster Hunter World PC
It looks like there's a project to free SS13 from the clutches of BYOND
Why are there so many trans women in the video game industry?
Name three games you are looking forward to right now. i'm waiting
Outdated as shit graphics even for its time
For me.. it´s Morrowind
Claim your vidya helmetfu, Zig Forums
Its fucking over isn't it?
Two handed weapon
How much gamer stuff do you have? Figurines, posters, whatever
Vidya makes me horny. I don't want to be horny. I always remember I'll never have a cute gf like what I see
Making Bells Quick Schemes?
This is Ethan Winters
Frog enemy is poisonous
(You) turned us into fucking killers
Random encounters
Post 1 (ONE) good movie based on a video game
How do we solve the issue of politics invading video games (usually provocated by the same people who insist there...
Have you ever speedran a game?
Wait, how come it's okay for japanese video games characters to wear LGBT pin...
Worms Armageddon
Game has online achievements
Quarantine JRPG Thread Roll Edition
You wake up in the 2000's
YandereDev is delaying Osana again due to the amount of ‘hate’ his game is getting
9 years later
Did you play the witcher 3?
Friend comes online
If somehow the Lord gave me a second chance at that moment
New Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshot
For me, its Female Law Enforcement Paladin
Animal crossing but better, will release tomorrow
So according to this game, having sex with a woman consists of only two steps:
How do you play games with ADD?
Edelgard thread
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Why are journalists like this?
The great debate
Not playing Black Desert Online
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - RJ Gameplay Trailer | PS4
Here's your controller bro
Do you think Mega Man has the potential to be a much bigger series with a wide variety of coexisting games?
Spend money on game
Why aren't there more games that let you play through childhood?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Post your Red Dead Online characters
Far Cry 6
You lied to me Zig Forums. Bloodborne was easy as fuck
This game is fucking good. Fuck you Zig Forums I'm never listening to you again
B-but muh piss5 ssd
Do you remember when 007 used to be a video game system-seller?
Death Stranding
Honed the physical form to such a degree that it allows the user to turn their body into a living weapon
Garbage Stranding - The Worst Kojima game
The Walking Dead season one is a better father-daughter story than The Last of Us
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise has a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene. So yeah...
What are you expecting from Xenoblade Chronicles 3?
ITT; a tribute
Wish he was in gu, monster hunter bros
I can't stop playing this
Wow... androids are literally like (black) people
What can we expect?
What's the best Danganronpa game?
Achievement Unlocked: "Held the Line"
Stadia Connect
Sonic Thread
Yesterday's BMZ thread was great! So lets have another one
What the hell does "inting" mean?
Death stranding is a FLOP once again
Fuck this shit it’s not zelda
Game released
How come most anime games sexualize teenage girls?
Characters who have a criminally low amount of rule 34
"PCkeks btfo the magic SSD in the PS5 can do 5.5 GB/s!"
TLOU2 is hated
Is Code Vein worth it?
Why are gamer parents like this?
What’s the best Lego game?
How's the drought?
Enter character name
This game proved you need at least a somewhat engaging story in a JRPG
ITT: Games only you played
Ghost of Tsushima reviews are out sonybros
Hey ervyone whats up garnboys
Which survivor should I pick first? I've read and watched some videos about the mechanics and tips...
You get Isekai'd into a generic fantasy world as the last video game character you played as. Are you overpowered...
5 Minutes
Smash DLC Thread
Name 1(ONE) game with a 10/10 OST
8 Remake
What do you think of these mini emulation consoles?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
He's in
DLSS looks better than native 4K
It: vidya confessions
Games with this vibe?
"Oh noes, I have fallen and can't get up. user, gimme a modded Skyrim thread
Your daily YanDev thread
Why does this game need 3 (THREE) wikis?
Pirates will never win
Wait the N64 has less games than the GAMEGEAR? What the fuck?
Is grinding a fun and essential part of gaming or it is just a chore made up for developers to pace down the game and...
DLSS chads we won yet again
This is your friend, Nia
Dies five minutes into the story
Why do we hate DLSS again?
Attempt to argue against my opinion if you dare
I beat Fireblight Ganon!
Why Zig Forums suddenly loves Far Cry 2?
Yeah i think Cyberpunk is going to become the biggest coomer games in existance
Pokemon dlc
What are your biggest hopes and fears for Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2?
The hero Zig Forums needs, but doesn't deserve
Redpill me on this game
Typemoon is teasing something for FATE/Extras 10th anniversary
What would you do on a date with Mai Shiranui?
From an objective storytelling/thematical outlook
Have you noticed how xbox features are consistently putting sony on the backfoot this year...
Amazing story
Play Fallout 4
Death generator
^ユニfairy pastels made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides gradually dissolve in the...
Esports hating thread
Play Brigandine
Why is fate go so popular ?
What's that one game mechanic that always puts a smile on your face?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine