Quarantine JRPG Thread Roll Edition

Rita finally took a shower but refused to use soap so she still smells like shit. What JRPG are you playing through today? Need a JRPG to play? Post 10 from your backlog number them 0-9 and ROLL AWAY NO COMPLAINING! I just started DaS3 and I'm having a blast.

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>Ds 3

This thread is dead from the beginning

>japanese game devs make a role playing game
It's a JRPG you dumb faggot

please dont die yet i dont feel like making another thread later.......

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small bump

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What 3rd worlder still has quarantine lol

Thank you user with the current state of Zig Forums right now its hard to get a thread going about actual games. Catalog is full of retards screaming over ghost reviews right now. I hope others end up seeing it. What are you playing?

me in america

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No JRPG right now, I'm just enjoying the Alatreon salt in MHW while it's fresh, but I lurk in these threads often anyway.

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I loved this game, but then the random encounters got to me. Are the sequels any better in that department ?

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Outside of Dragon Quarter, not really.