Rita finally took a shower but refused to use soap so she still smells like shit. What JRPG are you playing through today? Need a JRPG to play? Post 10 from your backlog number them 0-9 and ROLL AWAY NO COMPLAINING! I just started DaS3 and I'm having a blast.
Quarantine JRPG Thread Roll Edition
>Ds 3
This thread is dead from the beginning
>japanese game devs make a role playing game
It's a JRPG you dumb faggot
please dont die yet i dont feel like making another thread later.......
small bump
What 3rd worlder still has quarantine lol
Thank you user with the current state of Zig Forums right now its hard to get a thread going about actual games. Catalog is full of retards screaming over ghost reviews right now. I hope others end up seeing it. What are you playing?
me in america
No JRPG right now, I'm just enjoying the Alatreon salt in MHW while it's fresh, but I lurk in these threads often anyway.
I loved this game, but then the random encounters got to me. Are the sequels any better in that department ?
Outside of Dragon Quarter, not really.