Why do weebs hate this game so much?

Why do weebs hate this game so much?

Attached: B7B6AD1C-BB85-4860-8BD2-259EEEEE613F.jpg (1280x720, 107.8K)

Black people hate this game as well.

I don't like masculine women.

Ruined muh Ellie

Why do phoneniggers make low quality threads?

I like masculine women but only when they also have fat tits.

It's like shit on the ground. You don't hate it, you are just disgusting about the people who have sharted there.

>make mainstream game and with a subversive story that would make most people hate it.
>people hate it and complain about it
>wtf, the entire bus was supposed to turn into Albert Einstein and applaud my genius
In the end Druckman got his own expectations subverted just as much as everyone else, it turns out he didn't like it.

I just hate zombie games.

Willing to bet you exclusively make twitter threads and coom threads