B-but muh piss5 ssd
B-but muh piss5 ssd
Other urls found in this thread:
>load times virtually eliminated
virtually eliminated means jack shit
>instantly resuming multiple games
wtf does this even mean? why not all games?
>larger, dynamic worlds
whose worlds? what game? this completely depends on devs
MS is coping hard I see.
>instantly resuming multiple games
But why? Seems like the most useless feature since every time I try to resume one game on xbone, the thing almost catches fire and breaks.
Cuckbox has nogaems so of course it takes no time to load
Go watch your angry dyke and tranny simulator movie. You’re gonna miss some plot points
>uses the same user interface as xbox one
dead on arrival
The idea that a fucking hard drive was more important than actual computing power is fucking retarded propaganda.
Sony can come out with a special " flexible ," power button made from the cheapest plastic shit and be praised for it .
>dead on arrival
All of next gen is
Oh yes Sony give us more transvestite sex fantasies.
Quick faggot, buy another cuckbox please. If ever retard that has one did the same, you'd be able to get to 66% of Sony's sales!
Retarded boomer bitch.
Velocity Architecture means nothing against ps5. PS5 provides numbers and using big custom I/O chip for data flow.
congratulations on thinking power means everything, faggot
Blizzard doesn't look so bad anymore, bros.
>So basically, it makes everything fast and more awesome
>instantly resuming multiple games
>wtf does this even mean?
>wtf does this even mean? why not all games?
because you dont have to connect to the multiplayer server to play nonmultiplayer games
>whose worlds? what game? this completely depends on devs
nvm you are just retarded
>g--gu--guys ou-our machine is fa-fast too...
Caching is usually just as good as directly addressable storage. I doubt the PS5's architecture actually gives many real-world benefits over the XSX's.
>load times eliminated
how? My brand new PC still has long load times on some games
They're just trying to rival the marketing speak from Sony. So basically lying.
this was kino. Now I can jump through shit and play- wait theres no games on xbox. Only weebshit I like is persona, even final fantasy is releasing a year later lmao.
Do people unironically care about console hardware? These threads have to just be shitposting, right? The only legitimate reason to even think about consoles is exclusives.
FF7R won't be on cuckbox.
>load times virtually eliminated
>virtually eliminated
Wow I'm really glad Sony invested in Epic Games, watching Sony fans cry when all the exclusives come out on the PC will be a lot of fun.
Why doesn't Microsoft understand that announcing your console will have no exclusives will kill it? Everybody is going to get a PS5 because it's already got exclusives. I think at this generation everybody is going to be smart enough to realise that they should just build a pc if they want an xbox
>all the same things as ps5 but without the retarded cel tier custom ssd
hope they kill sony
I care if it does something new with the hardware.
I try to be an idort but if the console is basically just a retarded PC then there's no reason to get one unless the exclusives are something that I'm interested in.
Write another essay about Nintendo's switch sales paving the way for faggotsoft to retake control of the console market, you fucking brainlet shill. We're all waiting for your business school take.
why does that matter when there are no games
PC gaming is not as popular as you think many people just game on consoles.
>makes everything more awesome
you can tell a woman wrote this
what would you write instead
>Xbox niggers jerk off over "Velocity Architecture" for months
>Turns out it's just another buzzphrase like "Smart Delivery"
When it rains, it pours for the Phil cult.
a factual detail, statement, or figure, or leave it out entirely.
You retards never learn.
>Damage control
They really have nothing to show besides hardware bullshit and numbers, don't they?
>xbox is fast
>get two games for the price of one
>this is bad
consolewar threads should be banned
I'm sure you could get as many followers on twitter by being cold and factual, they should hire you
twitter is nothing but a private army of activists for a political organization. if you design your products around them and hire people from there, which they often do, you are only hurting yourself.
>retarded cel tier custom ssd
The PS5 uses an M.2 NVME SSD