We want the Furry audience

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hearthstone relly is a shitty TCG

I-is that card actually real. T-that's an edit. That cannot be real.

No its real. Realistically though the effect will be pretty mediocre since its totally out of your control

>playing a tcg with rng

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Is hearthstone not dead yet?

Vulpera were a mistake

Imagine not spelling it "transfur student".

what the fuck is that effect, are those hacks officially out of ideas for interesting effects? So glad i left

You havent been keeping up with the actual shitshow Ashes of Outlands was huh?

I never understood the appeal of this game. MTG is miles better than this in terms of aesthetics and gameplay.

Sum up? I haven't played hearthstone since kobolds.

Hearthstone is the most shitty TCG available in a world where magic and Yugioh still exist, and you don't even own the cards you get. Blizzdrones will inevitably eat this shit straight from the asshole though and thank blizzard for the meal

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Youre so full of shit. MTG has been a fucking dumpster fire for the past 3 years. Arena and Standard are a fucking MESS thanks to FIRE Design.

I never touched hearthstone, was is it even a Trading card game? Or just a card game?

I dropped the game during the Lich King expansion. How bad did it get?

>tcg with rng
This is more like an rng with tcg.

If your asking then you know the answer


Demon Hunter was STUPIDLY broken. It literally had to get nerfed within 24 hours it was that bad. Its gotten its cards hit in EVERY AINGLE BALANCE PATCH this expac thats how broken it was, it's actually insane.

>Hearthstone is the shittiest TCG
>Mentions the turn 1 shitfest that is modern yugioh

even your favourite nigger infested magic has manascrew

Yugioh otk autism is infinitely better than the abortion that was the last 3 expansions in hearthstone

>turn 1 shitfest yugioh
You're behind on the times, the new meta is nuking the opponent's board and being able to rebuild better than him when he does the same to you.

Demon Hunter is one of the biggest disaster fuckups ever released in the game. It might actually be worse than Pirate Warrior in terms of "holy shit how did no one catch this"

>Trading Card Game
>can't even trade your cards

what a cutie

At least I can play a game of Hearthstone. Yugioh is just combo goldfishing and Judgementing your Judgement so I can continue to combo and lock the board on turn 2. Yugioh is vile trash

Only by default of MTG existing for nearly 3 decades. The game currently is in just as much of a shit state as Hearthstone.

I bet he gives good handjobs under the table

Weird way to spell LoR user

>MTG is miles better
>Amount of bans that would make Urzas block blush
Shut the fuck up

I picked this up again and played for a few months with a gimmick deck before I realized how truly a waste of time hearthstone is and quit again

>Trading Card Game
>No trading allowed in Hearthstone

Really makes you think huh?

gotta welcome the new transfer student to your customs somehow. Fox handjob under the desk is standard

Can I make an all yordle deck? This is important.

Name 1 card game that doesn't rely on RNG with a draw system

>still playing cucksotne

Hearthstone was alright around naxx and gnomes vs goblins, somewhere around there. But at this point the game has been worse for longer than it's been better and the endless rng just sealed it. They really did want the WoW audience with that shit.

>MTG is miles better than this in terms of aesthetics
No. Just no. Not anymore.
>and gameplay
Only because actually being a physical CCG you can find bros to play with and people have the freedom to not play cancerous formats and just play whoever makes the game the most fun for everybody.

Wizards has been doing their absolute best at trying to destroy MtG for a while now, so its the lowest point the game's ever been, but the fact that it STILL comes out on top just goes to show how well designed its very core is.

60 dust has been added to your battle net account

Has a card game ever been invented that had little or no RNG?
Like say a deck where turn x you always draw mana cost x cards, some kind of shit like that

>judgement in 2020

>more rng bullshit
I really hate this game

If you completely and 100% nullify RNG, in a game where zero mechanical skill is required, you'd end up with decks that are 100% win and if you don't play specifically that deck with those specific cards then you auto lose. This kills variety, which kills fun, which kills interest, which kills the game.

Stop with this meme. Magic is a dogshit game, and only got famous because it's the first successful one of the genre.
>"Why yes, I do enjoy having 30% of the matches with no Lands in hand, 30% of the matches with only Lands in hand and a 40% of the matches actually playable, without counting that these 40% of games could have bad hands anyway. That's absolutely peak fun and gameplay."

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who the fuck plays hearthstone for anything besides battlegrounds
why the fuck are they nerfing goldrinn and not cannon

Who the fuck plays Blizzard games in 2020.

Probably not yet

Few years behind on the meta there user

You don't get a (You) for whining about lands, find a new bait already.

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>find a new bait already.
First time I ever posted about this on Zig Forums, how is that not a legit complain? Just to be clear, math is on my side.

Maybe if the implementation were extremely shallow, but for example poker (when played over the course of hundreds or thousands of hands during the final two player stretch of a tournament) has a meta component to it wherein players signal to one another and the winner is the one that guesses the other's move correctly (as opposed to reacting) based on prior interactions

Mind you, I'm not defending poker; it's a shit game, but in that ONE tedious situation it works and that signaling meta mechanic (that literally requires thousands of hands) has been demonstrated by mathfags.
Reading your opponent and correctly playing the counter to their action is like the only redeeming quality to card games

math is for gay faggots

So is your opinion. You liking Magic doesn't make it a good game, keep playing trash and enjoy your 50%+ of nongames.