Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise has a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene. So yeah...

Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise has a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene. So yeah, just felt like sharing that with everyone.

Obviously the 5 FPS gameplay wasn't a bad enough reason to not play it or buy it.

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Death stranding has several 30 min cut scenes and an hour one at the end of the game
What's your point?

Well I haven't played Death Stranding, so how would I know that?

Perhaps the last of us: Part 2 minigolf simulator is more to your taste.

And Death Stranding is one of the worst video games ever made. What's YOUR point?

Where are the swings I'm supposed to leave galenas doll?

I'm glad I can play this game now that it caters to transsexuals like me.

Play the first one to see how York normally treats them.

There are video games out there with hour and a half cutscenes. Full feature length films as just part of the game. 30 minutes is fucking nothing.

Name one game with a one hour and thirty minute cutscene.