I'm a broke ass boy in Animal Crossing. I solely rely on the Turnip Market. I haven't bought any turnips lately.
How can I make more Bells?
I'm a broke ass boy in Animal Crossing. I solely rely on the Turnip Market. I haven't bought any turnips lately.
How can I make more Bells?
Money trees, hot items, or do this scam.
try killing yourself
Play more, retard.
Find a week with good bells
Time travel back and forth between the prior Sunday and that day
>It's a lief day
>I haven't bought any turnips lately
Well, there’s your problem
I hear there's a place online that'll pay you in game currency to do menial shit like water flowers and stuff like that. Besides that, this is a pretty good time for fish and bugs. Sharks are easy as hell to catch, and the beetles are worth good money too.
Looking at all the replies, I know I haven't bought turnips but Nook is such a expensive motherfucker just to upgrade house and even pay for things like building bridges and ramps.
Thank you for the advice by the way.
catch sharks and beetles
I'll have to look more into that whole chores thing. Sounds like easy enough tasks and getting paid for it would be nice.
I can give you some gold nuggets or NMTs you can sell if you want.
Buy a shitload of turnips at 90, sell them at 500-ish.
Repeat weekly for a while and you will never need money again.
>Retard face
>full of shit
seem like an accurate drawing
No, it's not, I don't look like that.
You mean you aren’t a qt wolf girl? Shame
just play the damn game, I have 40m bells with nothing to spend them on since the shop system in this game is a joke
I love how you can see little paw prints when animals with paws walk in the sand. Same kind of thing goes for some other species too.
Why the fuck do you even need bells. Once you hit 15 mil through turnips that shit will last for a year since there's nothing to buy after a certain point.
>No, it's not, I don't look like that.
>Roll playing
>Skye tranny
Who is this blue wolf(?) and why do people hate them?
>Did like 2 1/2 months of max profits with turnips, buying unnecessarily low and selling at like 550+
>Still out of money cause my island is insanely ambitious
Why didn't people just dupe everything when it was still around? I have thousands of tickets and resources and millions of bells.
Everyone's suggesting the Turnip Market. I'll keep going at it. Thank you for the suggestions people! Later!
you need to go back.
Purists who are now regretting their decision while everyone else is having fun instead of monotonously grinding bells.
Shitty forced meme from /acg/ where people say she’s retarded then shit on her. Even though she’s literally identical to all other normal-type villagers in terms of how she acts and talks, so specifically calling her retarded is actually retarded.
Not him but I'm doing 3 characters and that comes along with 3 maxed out houses and all the furniture inside each and a lot of fine tuning of my 8 bridges and 8 inclines locations, coupled with the purchase of both million bells crowns and a heavily decorated island has got me pretty fucking broke after previously having 10 mil from the stalk market in the bank. I was not able to keep that amount afloat via hot items and fishing and shit like I had hoped, I burned through it too rapidly.
because the turnip dodo ratrace was fun while it lasted
she's just cute
Is that a tranny?
having too much money in these games isn't fun for me
>tranny eyes
>tranny nose
>tranny mouth
what do you think?
buy a bunch of turnips and then use that shitty turnip exchange site to wait 4 hours so you can give the faggot gatekeeper 10 nmt only to have him close out the lobby right before you get in
He has skye, so yes, he is a Tranny.
I just use the meme as an excuse to skyepost.
I started this shit on Zig Forums when I made Skye getting strangled, it spread like fire cuz you get butthurt, every fucking time, and her desing is shit, if you can't handle it go back to pleddit.
This, managed to gift a lot of stuff like tickets and gold nuggets to my friends and I'm still sitting on a mountain of those. Also feels nice giving random anons here lots of tickets when they try to hunt for their favorite villagers on mystery islands.
then you might as well hibernate for the summer because you’re gonna be drowning in sharks and palm beetles with even modest amount of playing
there’s fuckall to buy anyway beyond the home loans, and if that’s all you play for then quit now because there’s no more money sinks beyond that p
Sometimes the Ables sell crowns, you can sink millions into these easy.